Second referendum

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Harry Stottle, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    Not legally binding.???

    If there was a gram of truth in this, remain would be happening right now.

    Its not though is it, we are still leaving, so the vote most be fully legal and off course binding.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2018
  2. Dr Bodgit

    Dr Bodgit Super Member

    The vote was advisory. That is a fact.

    The government decided to act on the vote but that doesn't make it binding.
  3. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    You seem to be unaware of the very basics.

    There is an infinite number of grams of truth in what I said. It's called fact.
  4. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    And were still leaving.

    Of course its fact. :p:p:p:p:p
  5. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    The referendum result was not legally binding but the govt has decided to honour the will of the people, democracy as it were. At this stage of the 'game', it might be that we 'pretend' to leave, and therefore 'pretend' to have some form of democracy, or we might 'leave'.
    I suspect only Angela Merkel knows the answer to that one.
    Heat likes this.
  6. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Or the people who corrupted the last vote.
  7. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

  8. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    What are you trying to say here filly?
  9. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Obama is in cahoots with the Russians and disliked Hilary so much he swung it for Trump.


    Anyone else speak 'Filly'?
  10. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Obviously Cameron was in cahoots with Obama. Why else did Obama say if the U.K. left the EU, we’d be at the back of the queue concerning trade deals with the USA ?
  11. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    It was a big mistake for Obama to threaten the U.K. if we left EU.
    Not very clever of Obama and Cameron was it?
    I know I said to myself at that - stuff them, hope we vote out
  12. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    You are right - it was stupid.

    Why? Because the British electorate are stupid.

    The false pride and unjustifiably over-inflated (at the same time immensely fragile) egos of the average Leaver would literally drive them to self-destruction rather than be 'told' by a humanitarian like Obama what would happen.

    What Obama said was true tho', ill-advised.

    Heat, thank you - you have proved the point. What passes as your 'ego' has caused the chaos. Nose cut off t'spite face.

    No reason, no rationalisation.

    What a bunch.
  13. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    The British electorate weren’t all that stupid. They saw through the attempted manipulation by remainers.
    I never inferred that Obama’s/(Cameron’s) stupid gameplay had altered my decision to vote out. I wanted out of EU decades ago when I became aware of the undemocratic reality of the EU and my instinct told me much of EU was only using the U.K. as mugs.
    Stay Calm and Carry on, out of Europe.
  14. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    No? I must have misinterpreted your own words then; "I know I said to myself at that - stuff them, hope we vote out..."

    Who are you trying to kid, Heat?

    It's as simple as this; a humanitarian president with the best wishes for our country at heart (that's Obama in case you are wondering) spoke the truth; the US is not suddenly going to give an isolated and self-destructing UK a special leg-up, that's nuts. Such trade deals take many years - even if the will was there.

    But, of course, Obama thought that the British electorate was relatively sane and would go "Hmm, good point - best we think through this Leave malarkey a bit more. Perhaps it isn't the land of milk and honey as Farage and Gove and Johnson say..." A more provably lying bunch you'd struggle to find. That's your boys, pal.

    But, nope, the calibre of the average Leaver is as you've said, Heat; "Huh! No one tells us we're going to be at the end of the queue! Don't they know who they're dealing with?!!"

    (Don't you remember Gove's interview with Trump when Trump (who wants the destruction of the EU for his benefit) said that Obama was wrong - the UK would not be at the back of the queue, to which Gove squeaked pleadingly "We'll be at the front?!!" to which even Trump must have thought What a pathetic little worm...)
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
  15. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Nah, Obama was part of Project Fear,, You know,,,,, the project that took you in hook line and sinker. (you seem to think that you are not part of the British electorate too )
  16. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    You did misinterpret my words.
    In reference to my wording, - Quote [“I know I said to myself at that - stuff them, hope we vote out...”]
    That simply was a reflection of my exact thought AT THAT moment.
    But that does not mean I was wavering on my vote beforehand. Obama no doubt just reinforced the Brexit. Am sure though it did lead some wavering voters to decide to vote out. With the scolding behaviour we get almost daily from the EU (foreign unelected) officials, I bet plenty of U.K. citizens are glad we voted out.
    There is more than Farage, Gove and Johnson that want Brexit.
    It doesn’t matter the morality of any individuals involved in a particular campaign, it is only the campaign that is important.
    Are there no lying bunches of MPs on the side of the Remainers? Let us start with Blair....
    Stuff him too! :)
  17. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    DA thinks not. He obviously thinks the only MP’s that tell lies all belong to the Brexit camp. As for Tony Blair, he can’t open his mouth without uttering lie after lie.
    Heat likes this.
  18. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Of course I did...

    And I'm not too surprised to find you admitting that you were not wavering beforehand, regardless that when you first appeared on here it was as a supposedly tentative Leaver open to discussion and reason.

    Pah and piffle.

    Oh dear, Heat - what's become of you. You've out JJ'd JJ.

    Sit down, have a wee drink and think. Reflect on how self-defensive lies just trip off your tongue these days.

    You'll claim anything. You'll maintain anything. You'll twist anything. Even your own words.
  19. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    Lol! My words are all still there for anyone here to read. No twisting by me, although I had later repeatedly advised on how to read and interpret the English language. ;)
    Was I ever thought of as a “tentative” Leaver?
    Hope not. I never wanted to be part of an EU with unnecessary hulk of MEPs and others.
    As you can witness, I rarely am self defensive unless somebody, deliberately or mistakenly “twists” the meaning of my wording.
    Yes, I must have a cool drink on this very hot Sunday to celebrate Brexit. :p
    Finally, -
    Could all of the Remainers, both politicians and public, please begin to work at the eventual EU exit? We are definitely not remaining.
    Please also consider that had the vote gone the other way and the Remainers won, we Leavers would have had to work with YOU on continued membership of the EU and with the risks that would have brought us all, with no chance of escape from the EU.
    facilities likes this.
  20. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Still can’t figure out why he isn’t in jail with Bush, sorry yes I can figure it out.

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