Second referendum

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Harry Stottle, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Lanc

    Lanc Active Member

    It appears our Brexit Minister (Raab C Brexit) has been demoted by Treeza, already, and he hardly warmed the seat! - she is now taking personal control:eek: :eek:.

    Lord have mercy on us, but I'm stockpiling essentials, right now!!
  2. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    I bet my Brexit is harder than yours.
  3. Tommy r

    Tommy r New Member

    Wow, only a few days ago you said Brexit would be harder on the Brexiteers. Have you had a rethink ? ( from my hidden iPad )
    fillyboy likes this.
  4. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Wow, first day on the forums and you've already read through so many posts :):)
    Allsorts likes this.
  5. Tommy r

    Tommy r New Member

    I like to do my research mate.
  6. Harry Stottle

    Harry Stottle Screwfix Select

    Spot on fillyboy, lets see if our Dominic can match it.
  7. Lanc

    Lanc Active Member

    Harry, you HAVE noticed that the 'Dom' has been sidelined in the negotiations, by May? Poor fool, given new job, only to see it snatched away a day later - shambolic way to govern.

    She is now taking over control, and issued a "Machinery of Government" statement, yesterday (just before Parliament rose for the recess!!) -
  8. Lanc

    Lanc Active Member

    I wonder if Raab gave much thought to his statement (following May demoting him) that " ...there is some shifting of the Whitehall deckchairs" - :eek: :eek:, one can hardly not think of shades of Titanic!

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