It appears our Brexit Minister (Raab C Brexit) has been demoted by Treeza, already, and he hardly warmed the seat! - she is now taking personal control . Lord have mercy on us, but I'm stockpiling essentials, right now!!
Wow, only a few days ago you said Brexit would be harder on the Brexiteers. Have you had a rethink ? ( from my hidden iPad )
Harry, you HAVE noticed that the 'Dom' has been sidelined in the negotiations, by May? Poor fool, given new job, only to see it snatched away a day later - shambolic way to govern. She is now taking over control, and issued a "Machinery of Government" statement, yesterday (just before Parliament rose for the recess!!) -
I wonder if Raab gave much thought to his statement (following May demoting him) that " ...there is some shifting of the Whitehall deckchairs" - , one can hardly not think of shades of Titanic!