Should the UK remain as a member of the EU?

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by nffc, Feb 21, 2016.


Should the UK remain as a member of the EU?

  1. Yes

    34 vote(s)
  2. No

    83 vote(s)
  3. I don't know

    2 vote(s)
  4. I don't vote

    2 vote(s)
  1. What's wrong with Europe collapsing as a nation? I mean, you reckon it'll be brill for Britain, so why not for the other countries?

    I'll tell you summat - if it is good for Britain, it'll be a lot better for Germany to go it alone too. And yet Merkel doesn't want that. I wonder why?

    Some really decent and honourable people do see the bigger picture - the greater good. For us all.
  2. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Actually i can't stand Boris, never have, never will, doesn't alter the fact he thinks we'll be better out, where as he'd better better off in, so how do you think he will gain???, answer with facts not insults.
  3. I always had you as a bit of a cynic, Phil.

    Unfortunately, blunt cynicism counts for little. Some people think that having a loud cynical view makes them insightful - "Fnurr - you may be fooled, but they ain't pulling the wool over my eyes, fnurr fnurr..."

    That just ain't so, Phil.

    And saying things like "that's fact not fiction..." adds even less to your opinions.
  4. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    If its good for Germany so be it, i couldn't care less weather it is or not, but if its good for Britain. Yeah bring it on.
  5. For gawd's sakes, JJ - really?

    I mean, really?

    You cannot think of any other reason?

    That's the first time I've seen that clip, but I can come up with more likely cause - since by all accounts she is a decent person.

    I'm guessing it was because it wasn't appropriate. It smacked of jingoism - smugness. Possibly she had negotiated the terms with Greece, for example - she had to put that twit in his place. So it wouldn't have been appropriate to be seen as gloating.

    Could that possibly be it?

    And that's the trouble with Farage - and his sheep. Far too ready to believe what ain't there...
  6. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Ok, you live in your world of fiction and I'll suffer in my world of fact, that is until June 23rd,when hopefully we'll be free from the clutches of Europe and its even sinking ship.
  7. If.

    And, sorry Phil, I don't trust your judgement.
  8. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    The latest accessory for the YES campaign.

    Brian_L likes this.
  9. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Tell ya what DA, You give me £100 a week,,, I'll give you back £45... I'll distribute at least £30 of that to the needy (in the hope they'll spend it wisely) Sounds fair?? This is exactly what the EU is about,, SO where did that extra £25 in the equation go??? I dunno, that's probably why the EU books have never been signed off. :p:p:p:p:p
  10. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Anyway, off to bed up at 5.30 to earn another house for an immigrant.
  11. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p Yep keep em in the style they want to become accustomed to. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  12. You probably do think it's all that simple.
  13. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Seems so DA,, seems so.. There again, you probably think that everyone who sees the EU for what it is as simple. ;);)
  14. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

  15. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    The eu was set up originally to make trading an easier task.
    Then they went and enacted the small print. Been all downhill since then.
    The referendum would never have came about if they had chust stuck to the original plan.

    The outcome needs to end up with a brexit. Whether its good or bad for the UK. Chust to prove that conniving politicians cannot ride roughshod
    over the people.
  16. proby

    proby Active Member

    [QUOTE="Devil's Advocate,

    I'll tell you summat - if it is good for Britain, it'll be a lot better for Germany to go it alone too. And yet Merkel doesn't want that. I wonder why?
    Some really decent and honourable people do see the bigger picture - the greater good. For us all.[/QUOTE]

    So the greater good for us all was to invite uncontrolled migration to Europe, that was really honourable and well thought out ignoring asylum rules on registering in the first safe country and putting the whole of Europe in a mess what a star
  17. Fnurr, fnurr, Phil - well done for finding another cynical poster.

    Between you and JJ (who is just as happy to interpret a video clip of Merkel the way Farage wants him to - and who cannot for the life of him think of any alternative meaning :rolleyes: ), you sum up what I do consider to be the pathetic side of British people.

    Insular (Wha's like us!). Ungrateful. Whining.

    If you truly believe what that poster infers, then I honestly think you are a pitiful person.

    Enjoy your dream of standing at Dover shaking your fist over the water. Enjoy your little England.

    Britain has no spine? Britain doesn't count?

    Tell that to the Balkans. Tell it to Sierra Leone. Tell it to the Ukraine. Tell it to the Middle East.

    We should also have told that to Syria, but too many MPs lost their nerve.

    Wherever there is a major decision to be made about the security of this planet, Britain is at the top table.

    (Cue howls of cynicism...)

    But, yes we are.

    Phil, I look forward to your future posts on paving and the missing 'lady', but we are poles apart for what we want for our country.

    I know I'm not going to change your mind (as you say yourself, the more we argue the more you're resolved to your opinion...)

    But I don't want any part of your cynical and would-be broken-up Great Britain. Where people b**** about immigrants and the money they supposedly send back 'home' to their kids (compare the average 'immigrant' to the average indigenous Brit...). I'd rather have a Syrian refuge living beside me than many on this thread - bright, hard working, grateful, ready to make a difference.

    We have an ethical and moral duty to be part of a closer and bigger world. It's because we are human beings.
  18. And I think you'll find the average Syrian refuge will have better English than Probes too... :rolleyes:
  19. proby

    proby Active Member

    Still the insults even faced with the truth.
    Scotland will go for independence in the future again if we are in the EU or not so that's no argument. The EU as a world bargaining power I think not it follows what the USA " suggests ". And you can do a lot of good in this country with £55 million pound a day saved.
    And to be fair a Syrian refugee living next to you would probably want to move out and go back home.:)
  20. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    None of the above would have made any differance whether we are in or out of europe, the US dictated that.

    As for a bigger world that's the problem it isn't bigger any more, it to small, allowing peeps to come and NOT go is the problem, we are full to breaking point and being in Europe will not help that, it will hinder it.

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