Skimming outdoor concrete

I am looking to tidy up a small outdoor concrete area (roughly 2.5m by 2 meters), which has a few cracks in it and I was wondering if I could skim the existing with concrete? Or perhaps I could just address the cracks?

Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could do?
You can’t simply ‘skim’ over concrete with more concrete as a thin skim won’t last, will crumble away, concrete has a minimum depth to pour, around 40mm, even if going over existing slab

take a look at Setcrete Exterior Levelling Compound / £30 a bag at Wickes but shop around

It’s an exterior SLC that can be poured over existing concrete at just 5mm (after prep) so can be used for resurfacing worn and uneven paths / slabs / etc and then forms a finished surface

Sounds just like what you need although if the existing is cracked and there’s movement in the slab, then this will also crack. It’s a great product, not many similar products out there but it won’t save a slab that’s on the move !