Smart meter - "Your electric meter has reached the end of its life"

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by Muzungu, May 5, 2023.

  1. Bazza

    Bazza Screwfix Select

    The meter is not the responsibility of the DNO. He needs to contact whoever he pays the electric bill to.
  2. Jimbo

    Jimbo Screwfix Select

    And how much do you think is added to your bill to pay for the 4-7pm peak because there is no incentive for anyone with standard tariffs to shift their demand?

    Having a smart meter has literally saved me £500 in the last 12mo due to the available export and smart tariffs vs standard cap.
    WH55 likes this.
  3. MGW

    MGW Screwfix Select

    I watch the TV advert with a Freddy Boswell look alike clapping his hands to turn lights on/off, and think how do they get that past the advertising standards authority? The lights will not turn on/off by clapping hands, and with a Mars bar they were told with their work, rest and play add, prove it, same with Mackeson looks good tastes good and by golly it does you good, so how do they get away with those adverts?

    But if they lie so blatantly, then what's wrong with them? It is clearly some form of scam.
  4. The Happy Builder

    The Happy Builder Screwfix Select

    The claims made about Mars bars and Mackeson are true.
  5. MikeByfield

    MikeByfield Active Member

    Your normalcy bias is shining through. We’ve entered a new Paradigm where previous assumptions can’t be taken for granted.
  6. The Happy Builder

    The Happy Builder Screwfix Select

    Both are still available in local supermarkets, Mackeson stills sells without any advertising at all, Mars bars are a shadow of their former selves.
  7. WH55

    WH55 Screwfix Select

    I’m really not sure about that at all. Look at the power failures in London over the Christmas period a few years ago. The public reaction was huge ! If power outages went on for more than a few days, particularly without some huge justification, then I reckon the government would fall.

    We’re simply not tolerant to power outages nowadays. Think back to when I was a kid in the 1970s and power cuts were common. No government or power company would ever get away with that now - they’d last 5 minutes.
  8. MikeByfield

    MikeByfield Active Member

    Yep I think more than one government will fall before this is over.
  9. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Yes, the 'Smart' meter can be programmed to be a credit or a pre payment meter, remotely through the mobile phone network. We all know that with a pre payment meter, when the money runs out, the lights go off. That requires a switch in the meter. In the case of the Smart meter, the remaining credit is kept on the suppliers main computer, when it runs out a signal is sent to the meter to switch off. That same signal can be used to switch off any individual consumer remotely, for any reason, including high local demand. We are entering uncharted territory with the promotion of electric cars and electric heating, this extra load will quickly overload the distribution system and require load shedding, just right for the smart meter to do. For those who believe the system will take the extra load, go to Norway or Sweden, look at the size of their pole mounted transformers, all houses have 3 phase and their electricity is cheap as it does not come from gas or oil.
    stevie22 and big all like this.
  10. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    I wish I had you faith in the humanity of corporations.
  11. Jimbo

    Jimbo Screwfix Select

    And yet UK demand is currently significantly lower than its historic peak.
  12. MikeByfield

    MikeByfield Active Member

    It’s nothing to do with humanity, I just don’t think we’ve got the supply to cover all we’re going to need.
    our smart **** politicians don’t think ahead enough and so we’re always at the limit.
    Sometimes how close we are is scary you can check it here in real time:
  13. WH55

    WH55 Screwfix Select

    Always disappoints me when I see the levels coming in via interconnectors :(:mad: We should be self sufficient by now as a nation.
  14. MikeByfield

    MikeByfield Active Member

    Yep and we’re not - not even close.
  15. nigel willson

    nigel willson Screwfix Select

    Pot end the service!
  16. Well-Known Member

    My mate stays up north (near Inverness) and SSEN recently published plans for a sub station in his village (<100 houses) which was to be the size of 10 football pitches.
    This substaion did not go ahead but it was seen as softening the locals up so they allow something smaller

    My mate then went to a meeting and found out this was needed to export power to the rest of the UK, apparently Scotland produces double what it needs now but by 2020 it will produce 10 times what it needs.
    The problem is not generation but transmission.

    This cheesed my mate off.
  17. Well-Known Member

    In reply to the original post- ask your supplier for the actual details of your sepcific meter and ask them for the actual life span of that meter (as detailed with the manufacturer)

    I feel the need to point out that dumb gas meters can last for 50 years but smart gas meters need the battery replaced every 8-12 years - and thats progress?
  18. Jimbo

    Jimbo Screwfix Select

    They are welcome to pop round to change the meter or battery whenever they like all the time I’m saving £500 a year with the thing.
  19. Muzungu

    Muzungu Screwfix Select

    Thanks for that, and all other comments.

    To be honest I don't have strong enough opinions on whether or not to have a smart meter to enter into a debate with Eon about it; too much else going on the moment that put matters such as this into some kind of perspective. I just don't like being lied to, although it now appears that the argument they have that the certified life of the meter is the reason for the change has some credibility.

    Again, thanks for all the comments.
    WH55 likes this.
  20. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Something to do with the price per kWh perhaps and the number of energy heavy, narrow profit businesses that have been forced to close?
    arrow likes this.

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