Just stop drinking. Get out on your bike & ride. Come home when the sun sets. Have diner with a nice glass of red.
Helmet, textile jacket & trousers, leather boots, w/p leather gloves. Warm as toast. Get a bike, get a life.
Kools, I think some professional help would be the best course for you too follow at this stage. If your saying things like that on a forum, your obviously looking for help, and a credit to ya for being so honest, imo. You had an affair, you were found out and the proverbial hit the fan, but was it entirely your fault? I don't think so. You have to make a choice,,, Stick it out, for the kids sake, or leave. There's only 'you' in the position that can make that choice, weighing up the pro's and con's, so to speak. But, you must do it, for yours and the child's future happiness. Go see your gp, they can refer you onto more specialist counselling. All the best, mate! Stick in there.
I'm sure HA would approve of that van... Little to stylish for me On another note, who's design was the old caddy? IMO it looks terrible!