So, what shall we talk about now?

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Deleted member 33931, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select

    Congrats Phil

    The best and only answer! :D
  2. metrokitchens

    metrokitchens Screwfix Select

    I feel inspired to create my first avatar. Enjoy.
    Deleted member 33931, Joe95 and KIAB like this.
  3. masterdiy

    masterdiy Screwfix Select

    Just stop drinking.

    Get out on your bike & ride.
    Come home when the sun sets.

    Have diner with a nice glass of red.
    Deleted member 33931 and Joe95 like this.
  4. koolpc

    koolpc Super Member

    No bike! lol Too cold to go out!
  5. masterdiy

    masterdiy Screwfix Select

    Helmet, textile jacket & trousers, leather boots, w/p leather gloves. Warm as toast.

    Get a bike, get a life.
    wiggy likes this.
  6. koolpc

    koolpc Super Member

    Bike = life.............Don't think so buddy
  7. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select

    That's an expensive way to get a life! :D
  8. koolpc

    koolpc Super Member

    ******** to life
  9. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Grow old disgracefully and die whenever. :):)
  10. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Kools, I think some professional help would be the best course for you too follow at this stage. If your saying things like that on a forum, your obviously looking for help, and a credit to ya for being so honest, imo.
    You had an affair, you were found out and the proverbial hit the fan, but was it entirely your fault? I don't think so.
    You have to make a choice,,,
    Stick it out, for the kids sake, or leave.
    There's only 'you' in the position that can make that choice, weighing up the pro's and con's, so to speak. But, you must do it, for yours and the child's future happiness.
    Go see your gp, they can refer you onto more specialist counselling.
    All the best, mate!
    Stick in there.
  11. koolpc

    koolpc Super Member

    Waw! Just waw.................U are so right!
  12. Happy Birthday Chips! :D
  13. Damn - that one's been done too... :(
    Joe95 likes this.
  14. That'll be a 'yes' then... :)
  15. Yep.

    I hope I'll die peacefully in my sleep like my dad did.

    Not screaming like his passengers.
    Joe95 and CGN like this.
  16. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Bus/Train driver or pilot. :D:D
  17. Definitely not a tram :(
  18. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    I have one of those in the lock up for when I retire joe. I saw your van go by earlier today

  19. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select

    I'm sure HA would approve of that van...:D
    Little to stylish for me :D

    On another note, who's design was the old caddy? IMO it looks terrible!
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  20. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    Joe95 likes this.

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