Spur Socket to Loft

What you qoted above for a start. The Reg stated intended to be part of the fixed installation and you said They do not apply to the fixed wiring.

Not a cop out, I just know how you twist things so you can "win". You related to Wellwisher?

Twisting things? Thats the best yet. You can read this for your self in your own copy of 7671.

559.1 Scope
This section applies to the selection and erection of luminaires and lighting installations intended to be part of the fixed installation.

It has 0.0% of anything to do with the fixed wiring.
Just don't understand, if he is such a busy electrciuan, out doing his job, EICRs and all that, how he can spend so much day time on this forum...unless he's an apprentice. They seem to spend all day on their phones instead of working..
Very true.
And ? This is the UK not abroad. There are reasons way beyond your understanding why devices are fitted with a compliant plug and fuse, but I will try to enlighten you, one being it was deemed necessary to improve safety and secondly the fuse was and still is there to protect the rest of the circuit in a worse case scenario, ignoring discrimination for the time being because you are talking about an unfused plug, you do realise that a 6A lighting circuit is protected by a 6A protective device that can have a trip current between 3 and 5 times the rated current, correct ? More so on older installations, you can look this data up if you care to.

Now when I went to school we learnt that 3 times 6 is 18, so its possible that is a device connected to 6A circuit develops a fault, for a very short time it could draw up to 18A minimum, it may be for a very short time but even so its possible the cable and the device itself could ignite, would you want that possibility in your home, in your own attic ? it is a small risk and rarely occurs but when it does, its often devastating and sometimes fatal. If you care to spend some time researching this and finding real world examples you may learn something and finally realise why we have or supposed to have standards to try to negate this.
What a load of made up twaddle. Plugs were fitted with fuses purely because of our decision to fuse our power circuits at 30 A, way to high to protect the average appliance cable. The fuse was and still is to protect the appliance cable after the plug not the appliance (which should be internally protected). Now if this appliance developed a fault it’s internal protection (possibly a 1A fuse or less in an aerial amp) would shut it down long before it could draw 18A.
People spur down gardens to sheds etc, so I wouldn't worry about spurring up into the loft.
Wow this thread got crazy the past day or so lol!

So I found the multimeter & set it to continuity test mode. I removed all wires from socket I want to spur from (power of a consumer unit of course).

I did the test between the 2 nuterals (blacks) got a beep, also did between the 2 lives (red) got a bed and also did between the earths and got a beep. So I assume it's ok to say this is a ring final socket and can be spured of ok?
Wow this thread got crazy the past day or so lol!

So I found the multimeter & set it to continuity test mode. I removed all wires from socket I want to spur from (power of a consumer unit of course).

I did the test between the 2 nuterals (blacks) got a beep, also did between the 2 lives (red) got a bed and also did between the earths and got a beep. So I assume it's ok to say this is a ring final socket and can be spured of ok?
Yes look what you caused lol.

And yes seems like the socket is part of the ring.

Edit...did anyone say you could put the socket on the lighting circuit...hehehehe...quick run :D
What a load of made up twaddle. Plugs were fitted with fuses purely because of our decision to fuse our power circuits at 30 A, way to high to protect the average appliance cable. The fuse was and still is to protect the appliance cable after the plug not the appliance (which should be internally protected). Now if this appliance developed a fault it’s internal protection (possibly a 1A fuse or less in an aerial amp) would shut it down long before it could draw 18A.

You are replying to someone who has complied reports after such instances, so you really are wasting your time, I just see you as a provocative element of this forum who has no other purpose than to try to project your obstinate manner into it in the hope of causing problems and make this forum as hostile as possible.
Wow this thread got crazy the past day or so lol!

So I found the multimeter & set it to continuity test mode. I removed all wires from socket I want to spur from (power of a consumer unit of course).

I did the test between the 2 nuterals (blacks) got a beep, also did between the 2 lives (red) got a bed and also did between the earths and got a beep. So I assume it's ok to say this is a ring final socket and can be spured of ok?

Seems like you have a complete ring final so you can add a spur.

Just wait till someone says you cant ...5...4...3....
Yes look what you caused lol.

And yes seems like the socket is part of the ring.

Edit...did anyone say you could put the socket on the lighting circuit...hehehehe...quick run :D

Got everything installed last night and all is working 100% appreciate the help and input. Couldn't of done it with the knowledge of you fellas. Thanks again.
Got everything installed last night and all is working 100% appreciate the help and input. Couldn't of done it with the knowledge of you fellas. Thanks again.

I've had a quick look back through this thread but it's not clear to me where you took the spur from. If it's from the lighting cct. presumably that's the non-rcd side of the CU - so you need RCD protection for the socket and any new wiring.
I've had a quick look back through this thread but it's not clear to me where you took the spur from. If it's from the lighting cct. presumably that's the non-rcd side of the CU - so you need RCD protection for the socket and any new wiring.

The thread got a bit crazy but to clear things up I did my original plan, which was to take the spur from a socket upstairs to the loft.