Stomach Ulcer

Poster #38,
Mixing alcohol with "Omeprazol" (sic) creates mental confusion & severe spelling difficulties.
But only the alcohol is responsible for the ulcers.
Modern methods and technologies in medicine are constantly being improved, and the procedure will be comfortable and you will really LOVE it. Follow your doctor's recommendations and undergo an examination to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Well I was part of a team involved in that kind of thing
I had one 5 weeks ago myself.
Really its just routine more in the mind than anything else.
It will be over before you realise.
Make sure you have someone to take you home.

Take care

I was part of a hospital team that involved that
Its is fine now with fibreoptic scopes.
More in the head to be honest.
I had one 5 weeks ago.
It was over before I realised.
Just make sure you have Someone to drive you home
Take care

I looked it up, the short term effects seem negligible, compared to not taking it that is, long term there are a few concerns, any idea what is regarded 'long term'?
Apparently, it can cause increased visits to the loo. I've been taking it for two years with no side effects at all. However, just to be on the safe side, I played around with the dosage until I was on the minimum. Now I take one every other day first thing in the morning and have no reflux at all.
Apparently, it can cause increased visits to the loo. I've been taking it for two years with no side effects at all. However, just to be on the safe side, I played around with the dosage until I was on the minimum. Now I take one every other day first thing in the morning and have no reflux at all.

When I first went on Omeprazol I was getting up in the middle of the night to pee, lasted a couple of weeks, and I'm with you on taking the minimum needed for the job, at the moment I take one every day for two days and skip every third day, your post gives me a bit of reassurance, I'm old enough to remember when doctors did that:)