Strip Asbestos roof and reroof price


Good morning,

I am just looking for some advice around a rough price for a job. I’m looking after a job for the customer and their asbestos roofed garage is leaking. I arranged for 2 prices to strip and reroof and the customer arranged one price themselves.
These prices are crazy differences, I also priced it myself and now thinking I am completely off lol.
Asbestos roof is non license cement bound corrugated sheets in full sections and only leaking due to seal break down. Needs a few more roof timbers then replaced with 18mm osb, liquid roof membrane applied with some guttering and a water but.

Garage size is 6m x 2.6m

just rough ideas of price in the Essex area if anyone feels happy to post.

just trying to work out what is going on with these prices lol

You can remove those sheets yourself with a bit of care and common sense. Wrap them and get disposed.

Wide range of prices is common for any activity and there is never a "right" price, merely what tenderers think they can get away with