*strong* solar power lights


New Member

I want to install some lights to mark out a pathway but don't want to touch the electrics

Are there any decent solar power lights anyone can recommend? Or any alternative?

I'm after a fairly strong light beam.

Thanks for your help
Yes - the sun! Fantastic product, all the light you need. Just figure out how to bottle it up and you can retire!
You won't get any meaningful lux output outa Solars.

They'll just 'define' the Path route, not illuminate it. :(
Hi haff.

I have to agree with above - all the garden solar lights I've seen have been very weak.

When you say you don't want to touch electrics, is it the 240V bit that puts you off?

A possibility is going the 12V route (check out SFD's range of LED garden lights, eg: 47730, 34498, etc), but using a car battery as your power supply, if you have somewhere nearby to hide it. The battery can be trickle charged with a 12V solar charger (you can buy these for about £20 - used for keeping the battery in your car topped up during long idle periods).

I've no experience of these LED lights in particluar, but these white 'superbright' LEDs can be very bright!.

This should allow you to have your lights completely independent of your house's wiring.

No guarantees that the solar charger would be up to the job, but I suspect it would work because LEDs consume such little power.

Chust a thought. :)
A year or so ago my daughters 12v garden light wiring was chewed up by a fox. Apparently they mistake black cables for juicy worms. I had to re-run the wires through plastic garden hose right up to the lamp entry points. They've been OK ever since.