Taking the Heat out of an argument about N.I.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Allsorts, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Given the four examples in that exhaustive list, I can only think of one ideology that fits your pretext.
  2. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    It'll take time, but the momentum is there (Oops - I swore).

    The world is gradually becoming more sane as people become better educated. Once a certain tipping point is reached, movement can be made.

    Gonna take a while, tho'...

    (Some folk have helped introduce Philosophy in to primary schools. I actually used the lunacy of the Brexit vote as a - slightly tongue-in-cheek - example of why critical thinking is a necessary skill for children to develop :p )
  3. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Don't you wish that you could think as well?
  4. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    How convenient.
    You do recognise a set up when you see one don't you, DA?
    How very predictably predictable you are.
    I knew you would dismiss the 'real' question.

    Do all goods/products manufactured in this country/ Kingdom /isle, negate the need for testing because we are currently a member of the, EU?
    The only standards they insist on is that you are a member and then it's carte-blanch?
    You did hint at that earlier.
    It was a bit of a silly notion, wasn't it?
  5. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    I used one word to make my point succinctly - you used 49, and failed.


    Oh look - I dun it again.
  6. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    You succeeded, very amusing indeed.
  7. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    Ah there you are longs, could we have an update on DA's 'likes tally' when you get a minute. I haven't noticed many*.

  8. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    That's because he's not in a circle jerking circle, doesn't it make your eyes sting?
  9. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    I did give Allsorts a few ‘likes’ to a select few of his posts.
    Whatever happened to him, he completely made sense in those posts and showed understanding I thought.
    He seemed human for a brief while.
    Please forgive me.
  10. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    You’re the acknowledged expert on this “ circle jerking” thing chippie ( you bring it into almost all your comments now...... is this some sort of fetish ? )
  11. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I only know what I know from watching the u/s on here and it's not very salubrious.
    You must all be very dehydrated from the amount of bodily fluids lost and that could be the reason for your lack of critical thinking.
  12. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    I’d honestly never heard of “ circle jerking” until you started mentioning it. ( there again it might be quite popular with anyone associated with the theatre )
  13. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    DA, you are the one who believes that manufacturing things to a foreign customers exacting specification implies a loss of Sovereignty. I still fail to see how. ( I can quote the relevant post if you want)
  14. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Not salubrious but definitely salacious.

    It's almost home-erotic the way they 'like' eachother so unquestioningly; the more 'extreme' the post the greater the likes. How do they manage to keep one hand free?

    only teasing... :rolleyes:
  15. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Oh gawd, I know I'm going to regret trying to give an answer to JJ...

    Your right-wing leaders - the Moggs, Farages, Foxes et al - are after a new type of Britian, one of de-regulation, low taxes, ultimate capitalism. A bit like wot Trump is doing over 'there'. Basically, almost anything goes - if you can make money from it, theat's all good (and it will be for them).

    At the moment they are using the 'sovereignty' card - which worked well during the campaign and definitely struck a chord on this forum amongst many of the u-s; "We will have our sovereignty back! No more the EU telling us what to do!"

    Part of this 'lack of sovereignty' is the EU 'telling us what to do' regarding exports; they obviously have to comply with recognised EU standards or else - rightly - they won't accept them and we won't either.

    By implication, every single trade deal made will involve some 'loss' of sovereignty in that the country cannot simply do what they want or they won't have a deal - we have to 'conform'. Ergo 'loss' of sovereignty.

    Foxie is travelling the world trying to get new trade deals for the future. I wonder what his new standards are? When we are under Trump's armpit - through sheer need - what will we accept from the USA? Chlorinated Chicken? Products which have exploited the USA's relaxing of the Paris Agreement rules?

    You do know that Trump is effectively doing what the main Leavers also want over here - if it's costing us money, then get rid. Trump is allowing all sorts of short-term carnage to ensue for a quick buck - pipelines across reserved land, fracking and oil production, mining in previous regulated areas - anything for a quick buck. Why? Because that's all that matters to him - money for him and his ilk. The wealthy will always have a way out of this - the poorest - who he's manipulated with his lies to vote for him - will be the losers.

    Ditton over here. No way on this planet will Farage, Foxie et al consume a chlorinated chicken. Or suffer any other consequences; that'll be their minions, like you.

    Back to the point. The new Britain - with it's deregulated sovereignty back - can import what it wishes, but it certainly will not be able to export these items to the EU with its much higher standards. If - by leaving the EU - Britain loses its EU certification of compliance for any item, then it'll have to re-certify it again for trade.

    We HAVE to comply - ergo we are being told what to do. Some folk see that as 'loss of sovereignty'.

    That's what I mean by 'sovereignty' being an abused term by Leavers - we ARE a sovereign nation, always HAVE been and will continue to be. However, the supposed 'loss' of this 'sovereignty' shouted about by the Leavers will have to be lost again should we need to trade.

    There's BIG sovereignty - which we never lost - and wee sovereignty which every single country which trades has to compromise on.

    Ergo it was a hollow claim by Leavers.
  16. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Nope, with Chippie and me it's just a two-er.

    (Oops, did I say that out loud... :oops: )
  17. Bit like what your ex mp is doing filling his pockets from wind farms.
  18. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Deleted member 11267, you cannot begin to understand the utter loathing I have you what passes as your mind.

    That ex-MP - who devoted himself totally to what was best for his constituents during his tenure (unlike the current MP who looks after what's in his bed - quite literally) - is now fully involved in what IS the 'largest community-owned wind farm in the country'.

    Why? Because it benefits the community 100% rather than a multi-national (French-owned) conglomerate (EDF).

    I could tell you lots about his commitment to this cause - like sinking virtually all his salary in to the P&S Trust to the effect that for the past 5 years his bedroom window has been literally without a window pane due to rot that he couldn't afford to have replaced, but I'd be wasting such info on an excremental mind.

    You haven't a clue. You are incapable of understanding such altruism.
  19. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    1. What exactly is wrong with chlorine washed chicken?, you do know that even the EU admit there is no danger, they dislike the process simply because the US doesn't have the same levels of animal welfare as the EU. They also know that Salmonella levels are far lower in chlorine washed chicken, and it would be 20% cheaper in our shops, I think you'll find it's more about protectionism.
    If you have an aversion to chlorine, best you put down that glass of water because there's a lot more chlorine in that than an American chicken.

    2. Have you any idea how long fracking has been around in the US, I'll give you a clue, it's a long long time before The Donald came to power.
    longboat likes this.
  20. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    And here comes SF's own pocket-sized Trump defence mechanism. What a Leaver.

    Fracking per se ain't the issue; it's Trump's virtual dismantling of all environmental protection for the sake of some bucks. Multi-millions of acres have had their former protection removed to allow mining, pipe-lines and pretty much anything that stands in the way of what trump believes damages economic growth.

    Does it matter? I don't know - but I can guess. "An analysis essay published in June by two Harvard University scientists, David Cutler and Francesca Dominici, looked specifically at the health impacts of changes to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) policies on air pollutants and toxic chemicals. They came up with the 80,000 deaths figure by analyzing the EPA's own data.

    The deaths would result from increased diseases from bad air and water quality, and would be in addition to the deaths that would have resulted from those diseases anyway under the previous trajectory before Trump scrapped the protections."

    I cannot verify these claims, but anyone who thinks it's ok for a despot like Trump to simply dismiss environmental concerns for a quick economic boost is not someone I would want determining the future path of Britain.

    Your Nige Lawson is a prime example, potentially throwing our future to the wind - as he chases French residency.

    These changes have a permanence. They will not easily be reversed.

    But clearly your fragile ego feels it's a price worth paying.


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