Yes, agree - I am sure it is a tricky situation any defining of how Brexit is to work in NI and the rest of U.K.
The understatement of the decade.
No, - I did not say it is all the anti Brexit sides fault on how progress will go with Brexit issues in NI.
You only mentioned the anti-Brexit lot in your last post.
I only said I was sceptical of progress with the stance from Sinn Fein and other anti Brexit sides (in Ireland).
As you admit - thank gawd - that's only your opinion.
That is my opinion based on the numerous and constant comments I have read or have heard from the radio and television mainly from Sinn Fein, SDLP, Southern Irish politicians, many of whom I assume will feature in later discussions. Therefore I am sceptical.
Based on your selective sources of information! To pretend otherwise is pointless; I have provided you with the very best answer to the homework I set you; the very best long-term investigation in to the likely effects of Brexit on the Irish situation. You just poo-poo'd it; said it was likely biased. You are not even funny - your comments are as hollow and transparent as a hollow transparent thing. If you think for a nano-second anyone but your sidekicks are impressed by your patent deviousness, bad news - we are not as stupid as you. (And your own sidekicks aren't as stupid as to swallow your gunk either - they are just suffering from a tick that makes them tick.
The anti Brexit on the Unionist side have not been very vocal.
What, about supporting Brexit?! Lol...
As to your question [“who ...caused this mess...?”]
You tell me?
How about the EU for not being more caring for member countries ?
Boo-hoo, poor little 5th largest economy, having to breath all that clean air and swim in clean waters whilst being kept safe and secure and free.
We are not out of the mess of the EU yet.
Again, a tiny wee 'pop' from your head.
Yes, honestly my opinion is the two communities are growing apart. Take a look at the voting. Take a look at how the politicians currently label each other. Take a look at the division by design.
Sure, at least the killing has nearly stopped, but that alone is not going to build trust.
No, trust will build trust. And being empathetic. And not being biased, divisive and sectarian. You know - the complete opposite of people like you on both sides.
My point of the GFA being flawed is the Remainers keep referring to it being under threat and I am just reminding them that the GFA is not functioning, so I am basically asking them how it will be threatened - and by whom?
Read the article I linked to. But you won't; it's far too detailed, evidence-based and informative - and the opposite of what you want to hear.
I am also asking how the peace is supposed to be under threat from Brexit, given the fact that the division has already been going on BEFORE the Brexit vote?
....And I still see no threat to the peace other than the usual disident republicans.
Definitely hundreds of lives have been saved since the GFA deal.
No doubts about that.
Am sure though if you want to strike a deal with any group, you can.
A “good first step”?
A good and bad first step.
Nice I guess looking in, Allsorts?
Sorry about my question asking you how YOU would break away from YOUR mindset.
I was busy and had to rush off, so it came across rude as unfinished.
Honestly, no offence. It was just silly. And, anyways, I've replied. Why I should consider changing my 'mindset' away from evidence is just loony... The only thing that offends me is deliberate ignorance.
I meant the question to be more precise -
In reference to breaking away from the sectarian mindset (in NI),
How would YOU break away from anything you know to be true, should you live over in NI? What would compromise on, - that hasn’t already been?
Just one more question Allsorts,
How long did you live in NI?
Never. Not even visited. And completely irrelevant.
You living in NI is a complete and utter irrelevance, because if I were now talking with a Catholic Northern-Islander who was pro-reunification and anti-Brexit, I guess I would be reading the exact opposite of what you are saying, and probably just as biased and daft.
Unless, of course, he backed it up with impartially-sourced evidence. Just one more question, Heat - how long were you a research assistant for an MP who was on the defence select committee and regularly visited NI, going out on patrols with the troops?
More to the point, have you ever read a book that might represent the other side? Do you read many books?
I made reference to the anti Brexit side in NI (and rest of Ireland) due to the politics of those groups. Other parties or individuals are less likely to as hostile to Brexit dealings obviously.
As to my sources, - from the mouths of the people and party members is as good as you can get I believe, but do please enlighten us how we can improve on that.
No deviousness in my part. I call it as it is. What I say on this forum will probably make little difference, if any at all just like your posts, Allsorts.
However, if even one person can see another side better, then that is worth it.
“Trust will build Trust” according to you Allsorts.
Yes it will! And that statement is for opponents. But who do we trust that is our opponent?
Biased? Oh yes! Everybody really is. Unless we have just arrived from another planet, we all will have bias.
Bias does not mean our thoughts or reason are going to be flawed.
Divisive? No! But I would be interested to know how I could be judged as such. Being unable to agree with some groups does not mean I am divisive.
Sectarian? Please define the meaning of the word.
Actual meaning can be attributed to just about anyone, of any country.
Fair play to your honest answer Allsorts. You have never lived in or even visited NI.
But you say that is completely irrelevant.
Despite that it shows you form opinions solely on what others inform you on, by you reading or otherwise.
I disagree. You know nothing beats being experienced in real life.
Yes, to your point if you talked to a Catholic/republican/anti Brexit/united Ireland NI person you will get some different thoughts, (hopefully with many agreements though), but you could ask a thousand people and get a thousand different takes on things. Take your pick.
I haven’t been a research assistant.
How does that make you better than anyone else? Or perhaps I should say, Wiser than anybody else?
(Just on that subject, -Is that what the Owl is supposed to represent?)
The MP could have been very good at his or her job, many were not though.
As to the troops,
I have known some of the troops personally and other well placed people, but that can come with being part of the community.
I read plenty on internet. I do read the views of all sides. I do know how both sides of the extremes think and the reasons for that.
Again, it comes naturally when it is part of my life.
You didn’t answer anything to my question of what would YOU compromise on IF you lived in NI ?
(In reference to you stating about breaking away from sectarian mindset).