Tatoo dilema

I don't think British people should be allowed to get tattoos, it doesn't really work, let me give you and example..

A typical Mauri warrior tattoo..


Even the old geezers can pull it off...


But this is what it looks like on the average Brit....

I think people get tattoos to look more interesting or cool, this is why I never got one, I'm so cool and interesting already that it would just be a distraction.
I think people get tattoos to look more interesting or cool, this is why I never got one, I'm so cool and interesting already that it would just be a distraction.
Absolute rubbish. Nobody could be more cool and interesting as I am. I have tatoos because I am one of the cool kids. Probably the most interesting person you could ever wish to meet and my tatoo's are only enhancing and sky rocketing me further and higher up the pecking order.
Some of my tats are there because of a certain meaning / event in my life.

I have had 4 removed as mentioned before. Some have been done in haste!