The joke thread

What's the difference between a pedant and a pendant?

One is generally hung from the ceiling and the other is a lighting fixture.
On pedants:
My wife went to a rather prestigious university. The boyfriend of her colleague had an interview for a much sought after engineering post-grad opportunity.
Chappie did not come across well during the interview, to the extent that the interviewer commented "you are really Mr. Pedantic, aren't you?"
Chappie bangs the table, " Mr. PEDANT. Mr Pedant is pedantic!"
Did not get offered the job.

A friend, who is in some managerial position at Network Rail, had to chair a review after person A stated that person B was "an annoying, pedantic tw at", and an organisation like NR can't allow such slanders. Person A was looking at losing their job over it.
John starts the meeting,"On today's agenda, defamatory comment by A, regarding B"
Person B pipes up, " If there's only one item, it is an agendum. Agenda is the plural"
"Case closed. No further action"