OP's can just say thank you straight away but some choose not to what can you do. Next time say I'll tell you how to put the shelf up but only if you thank me afterwards
In answer to your original question though, it is "take, take, take" and no consideration for others. In a previous role, a customer had a very major issue which presented itself as an issue we had created. I pushed my team to investigate and resolve. In teh end we proved it was due to another supplier misconfiguring. We found the issue and sorted out the problems - not a word of thanks and it saved te other supplier tens of thousands. Take, take, take and don't give back!
To be fair it works, if you asked anyone on the forum 'who is great' they have all been programmed to say 'Bright'
I guess most see it as a place to just ask questions, get the answer and job done, if they get a clear answer and solved most are grateful, but for many(I count myself in this) I often post then go do it or something else, might not be back on till the following day or whatever, easy to drift onto other things and forget to go back and say.
Can I ask - why do posters often correct Great for Grate when mentioning Bright Spark? Is it because he grates on people for being a self confessed Great?
He grates on me lol But if I remember correctly I think he said it himself one time "I am grate" and it stuck and we started correcting him, I think that's the story behind it lol @Bazza-spark will remember??
Yes, you have to excuse @Ind spark his memory is failing (he's addled lol). @bright_Spark called himself "grate" in one of his posts quite some time back. He then corrected it to great (after we took the pee ), so now it has become a standing joke with the 3 of us (and others that remember), plus it winds bright up which is always satisfying lol.
If you were brought up the way we were you NEVER forget to say thank you in some way shape or form. For example, before Christmas my wife (who is 81) was looking for a particular item she had seen advertised as a present for on of the family. We asked in the local shop that it was advertised for and they didn't stock it, so the young lady got on her phone and sourced a shop 6 miles away that not only sold it but had stock available and the price. We thanked her and went away. Through the powerof Facebook we managed to track down not only her, but her boss too.We made sure her boss knew that in our opinion she had gone above and beyond in trying to help us and made sure she got credit in work for it. I could quote many other occasions we have done similar. If you are brought up that way you NEVER forget. Edit: People are always quick enough to complain when things are wrong, but very rarely give praise and thanks when things are right.
If 'me' I'd like to think I was, not as a habit of upbringing just out of human courtesy, for me though I don't expect to be thanked on a forum, after posting I don't give that a thought, partly to do with what updates I see, often I don't see the thread again so I'm well used to not thinking about it till I do, or not thinking about it at all if I don't, I imagine a lot of one time posters have a similar using pattern.
I've lost count of the number of times that an answer has been provided which the OP has read and then disappeared into the ether again without any acknowledgement. Click on the OP's avatar to see last activity and often as not you'll see that they've read their replies. It's not just new members though. There are some time served folks that are clearly net beneficiaries (rather than contributors) who rarely if ever offer thanks for the advice they've received. I CBA to answer them anymore. Edit: It's not just a politeness thing either. If they confirmed that the solution offered worked, it might save countless others having to ask the same question again.
Poor manners and the lack of politeness here is just a symptom of the wider problem with modern society, we have moved on from being polite and using please and thank you into a world where the words please and thank appear to be a strange concept to some. You see the same sort of attitude when out and about as well these days.
Also on buses where the ignorant parents, think it is fine for their little or not so little darlings sit and leave the elderly standing. We were always taught to respect your elders and offer them your seat.