Things that really cheer you

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by facilities, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Just waiting for yer mate to wade in then I’ll address your question :confused: ( might be able to kill 2 birds etc.)
  2. toowit-tooyou
    facilities likes this.
  3. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Well can’t wait any longer gotta get moving think he’s doling out advice on another thread, oh just seen “Tweet”

    Jack this Facebook thing never really checked it out except have noticed all the young clued up kids seem to like it so not sure why you are perhaps interested in it,

    Where do I get it from ? If you can let me know I’ll check it out, having said that not sure I’ll have the time to participate in another Forum (is it a forum ?)

    I am quite happy with the cosiness of SF and see no reason to spread myself too thinly (oh if only)

    this thread is getting distorted a bit so I wish you would start another thread for this type of thing next thing you know B will rear it’s ugly head

    So if you can s#d off and start your own thread I will be obliged :p
  4. facilities

    facilities Guest

    He’s gawn & edited it :oops:
  5. retiredsparks

    retiredsparks Super Member

    Thanks fac....just seems logical.....beers on me ! (as usual)
    Also retired.....bit lazy lately...few pounds on middle.
    Getting mellow...
    DO NOT join is the underworld conduit to Beelzebub himself and his evil minions.
    !1degree here and full sun and snowing does that work. ?
    facilities likes this.
  6. facilities

    facilities Guest

    not sure If I should post this on this particular thread but seeing as I started it....... its just coming up to 6pm and I've had a large rusty nail & feeling quite rosy so I've told the dragon I will sort tea out (its dinner for you snowflake southerners) so quick call to our local Turkish Kebab House to ask for a delivery, they have given me bad news the delivery guy has phoned in sick,

    So I have to send her out in the snow (its only 1 mile away) to collect the kebabs, I've not told her yet just wondering the best way to go about it she can be quite tetchy at times :(
    longboat and retiredsparks like this.
  7. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Yeah RS I've checked it out since Jack mentioned it this morning he's welcome to it, looks like the devils work to me (honest not you DA)
  8. Sparkielev

    Sparkielev Screwfix Select

    as long as you provide sufficient clothing I don't see what she can get upset about :)
    Jord86 and facilities like this.
  9. retiredsparks

    retiredsparks Super Member

    Mr Fac...I dont believe you ....
    Nobody would eat a kebab....get her to go to the Indian curry house....just another quarter of a mile.
    Vindaloo....warm her up when she gets in.
    facilities likes this.
  10. She should be upset about the barbaric and horrific cruelty of the animals slaughtered for kebabs, and refuse to give these shops any business
    This type of slaughter should be illegal in a supposed civilised country like Britain.
    The import of this type of meat should also be illegal due to animal cruelty and suffering.
  11. Sparkielev

    Sparkielev Screwfix Select

    Kebabs not really to my liking but point noted
    Jord86 likes this.
  12. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Yes Deleted member 11267, I abhor animal cruelty but like a lot of others to my shame put my head in the sand and mostly carry on with token efforts like free range eggs.

    Perhaps it’s the wrong thread for this but if you start one I will gladly add my 2 pen’th
  13. Jord86

    Jord86 Screwfix Select

    The fact she also has to pay for it :)
  14. Jord86

    Jord86 Screwfix Select

    Well, that's really cheered me up.
    facilities and Sparkielev like this.
  15. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Da de da de de dar de dar de dar de de.......just waiting for the new thread about animal cruelty
  16. facilities

    facilities Guest

    She’s not back yet! Gonna have to pour myself another rusty nail ;)
  17. Jord86

    Jord86 Screwfix Select

    What's the cutoff point where you send out the St Bernard Facs?
  18. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Jord, would you really expect me to send a dog out in this weather? Its minus 5 round here have an heart man
    longboat, Jord86 and fillyboy like this.
  19. facilities

    facilities Guest

    She’s back :)
  20. facilities

    facilities Guest

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