Things that really cheer you

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by facilities, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. retiredsparks

    retiredsparks Super Member

    The "meat" in most kebabs can be anything...donkey horse beef chicken etc....its a solidified disgusting paste.
    I would not eat the ****.
    But a nice bit of pork, steak probs.
    Going to be eating Campo chicken next week..if we fly out tomorrow due to snow........and huge prawns at 9 quid a KILO.
    Plus Iberico Jamon......
  2. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    That's why I always ask for extra chilli sauce.
    btiw2 likes this.
  3. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    The usual meat in a doner is lamb breast as it is cheap and fatty so it bastes itself, a shish is usually either lamb or pork shoulder as that it the tastiest cut. If you have the salad with it you're taking on a lot of vitamins.
  4. There is a difference between a kebab and a doner kebab (elephant leg).

    Nothing wrong with a proper kebab. Probably better than a lot of curries.
  5. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Would that be the difference between a doner and a shish that my post mentioned? :p:p
  6. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    You dont half talk some drivel at times, JoT.
    You'll be trying to convince us that there's a difference between cats and dogs next if you carry on at this rate.
    We won't have it, I tell thee.
  7. retiredsparks

    retiredsparks Super Member

    Trading Standards investigations over the years have found significant amounts of chicken and beef, as well as horse, sheep, goat, and turkey.
    Also some with no lamb at all.
    Research by the UK's Food Standards Agency in 2006 found that 18.5% of doner takeaways posed a "significant" threat to public health, and 0.8% posed an "imminent" threat.
    Quadruple this figure to be realistic.

    Don't eat in these places or this type of food.
  8. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Damn tasty though.
    I like statistics, but I'm not sure even I'd use them to work out what to eat. You can't beat experience for these sorts of evaluations.

    If you want to tell me that donners are made out of donkeys, then it turns out that I think donkeys are tasty.

    If you want to tell me that 74% (quadruple 18.5%) of donners pose a significant health risk, then either I'm really lucky or someone has a different definition of "significant" to me.
    I don't know how many I've eaten in my life. Probably more than twenty, but less than a hundred.
    If 74% of them have a significant health risk then my chance of avoiding that significant risk was about 0.2 of a billionth of a percent (showing my working:^20)*100).

    I guess it's just a matter of taste (or my lack of it).
    Maybe a lifetime of smoking means I only have one taste bud left (the one for chilli sauce).

  9. Yes :oops:

  10. Have you ever had a proper (shish) kebab ?
  11. retiredsparks

    retiredsparks Super Member

    And horse and goat,(west Indian style with Dumplin' ) chitterlings, black pud, trotters, eel, biltong etc.
    But I knew what it was.
  12. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Had horse meat once, in Paris. Apparently the French eat more of it than steak.
  13. facilities

    facilities Guest

    yeah JJ think most food in Paris is dodgy, was in a restaurant there years ago I asked the waiter if he had frogs legs, he said why yes monsieur so I said well hop over to the kitchen and bring me a steak :)
  14. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Taking my Molly for a walk in the country park near our house,

    The last few weeks (not seen many this week) the park has been full of birdwatchers (twitchers) never got it myself, anyway they have these super dooper long lenses on their cameras sometimes set up on tripods, and if my Molly runs near their set up I usually get a mouthful of said twitcher,

    Had enough one day last week and told the twitcher at least my Molly doesn’t s##t on your car,

    What is it with these people why don’t they just s*d off & Whatch The traffic lights change.
  15. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Steak isn't a breed of animal.
    fillyboy likes this.
  16. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    I thought steaks were Cow, apart from pork steaks, which are pigs, possibly.
  17. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Or lamb steaks or indeed cauliflower steaks.
  18. facilities

    facilities Guest

    I was in our loca butcher shop and this guy walks in and says, "I bet you £100 that you can't reach that bit of meat without using steps, indicating a cut of beef hanging above him. The butcher looks up and says, "No way."

    The guy says, "Why not?"

    And the butcher answers, "The steaks are too high!" :rolleyes:
  19. facilities

    facilities Guest

    It’s nearly 5.30pm sat on the couch with a rusty nail, taking in the delicious aroma of my tea (dinner to you southern snowflakes) being prepared by my little dragon in the kitchen, Cumberland Sausage, Mash potatoes, onion gravy & Veg.

    Even if I were to get a call from Holly Willoughby to come straight over as she needed a little comforting, She would be put on hold (not for too long though)

    Then my little love & me will put our feet up (after she’s washed the pots) and watch a film, then perhaps an early night if my lucks in, (sorry Holly I’ll catch you tomorrow.

    Should the last bit all go pear shaped, I’ll look forward to Chips joining the forum later tonight, unless he’s late home after hugging all the staff
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  20. What is it with some peeps?

    Holly Willoughby?! Kryust. You'll tell us you fancy Davina McCall next.

    Or even what'sherface - Trump's tart. Stormy whatsits.

    Wouldn't even give me a hemi.

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