I am afraid the onion gravy would have to wait. When Holly calls me I know she usually needs immediate attention. Rs
Wow just finished and it tasted as good as it smelt, just like how I imagine Holly, Hey RS back off find your own woman. if your really stuck I know someone that appreciates a good hug. It’s a shame really the forum seems to be male oriented, I’m sure we could have some great craic with a few more females (Jack permitting) so girls if your listening come on in the waters fine
For gawds sake.....here.... have it.... enjoy! Don't say I never give you now't. Yep, she's looking at you, DA. That's got rid of him for the night.
Apparently the thing on the end of your arm and a beer with lemonade are inappropriate language. Nice to know freedom of speech is alive and well on Screwfix, a name by the way far more offensive than the above.
On free speech: Voltaire (or someone else famous) said "I despise what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it" (probably in French). But Voltaire's already dead, so he's not going to be much good to you in a scrap, is he? I suppose that's typical of the French when it comes to a fight, they always have an excuse. Whereas BTIW2 said "Didn't you read the terms and conditions when you signed up to the Screwfix forums?" I have some sympathy though. It's tricky to know what'll get deleted. I'm surprised my post with slang terms for German people survived. I suspect it wouldn't have if it were a different post that used slang terms for people from the Indian subcontinent. I guess it depends on the noun used and whether the targets deserve sympathy. You'd have to be really politically correct to reply with "Nazis are people too" - "Oh! Won't somebody think of the Gestapo!". On the plus side, it seems they now just delete the posts instead of banning people.
Nice day yesterday with my 2 young granddaughters & Molly at a country park near us just chucking the ball for Molly & then hiding behind trees for Molly to go and find us, After that went to watch the BBC filming a new short serial War of the Worlds it was just a couple of miles from us in a little village called Great Budworth (a lovely little Village check it out on google) the series is set in Victorian days, they have closed the village off for a week or so to traffic, the people on set were very good with us they let us get right up close and watch the action, It’s unbelievable how much kit they take about with them, the main stuff huge trucks, caravans, catering stuff had to park about 2 miles away in the main car park of Marbury Country Park The girls Granma (Aka the dragon) and me really enjoyed it, and the best bit was I didn’t spend anything