This is a joke..... right?

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by longboat, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    The hatred you feel towards so many of your fellow countrymen is astounding.

    Where does this cynicism come from, this bigoted view that all men in a certain camp are the same?
  2. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Can you list a few?
    If they are (according to you so established) it should be a simple task.
  3. So simple even you can do it.

    You don't have to, tho'. You know them - you were party to them.

    This is pointless because you will never ever accept it openly.
  4. Lol - not all Leavers, Longs - I'm picky about the ones I hate :rolleyes:.

    Do I despise these Leavers? Some, yes. For the rest I simply hate their wilful ignorance.

    Ignorance - and a refusal to be bettered or to employ their critical faculties - is never an attractive trait.

    It's quite yucky.

    You take this to a totally different level, tho'. You are active in your bigotry.

    That's double-whatsit.
  5. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    You said they were well established.
    It's not up to me to go looking for them, is it?
    Or can't you back anything you say with evidence?
    You're sounding more and more like a clairvoyant who's being questioned by a sceptic.

    There's no point in explaining anything because you don't believe in it anyway.
  6. Booooorrrrring.

    Longs, do one :rolleyes:.

    I'm not interested in trying to persuade you of anything (I was once, but no longer). Because even if you were to suddenly open your mind to reason - and what is going on with Brexit, Farage, Trump et al - it wouldn't have any bearing on what you are inside.

    It would be the most grudging of realisations. But it wouldn't change anything.

    You'd still look to blame 'others' for everything.

    It's who you are.

    I'm just here to highlight it.

    How many threads now?

    That's ok - don't mention it.
  7. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    More specious nonsense, I see.

    "Do one".
    You really can't stand the thought of someone attempting to break your arguments down.

    I wonder why?
  8. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    They will come around soon enough.

    It wasn't that long ago this sort of bigotry was aimed at homosexual men, now its perfectly acceptable, once people realised they were indeed harmless.

    People are frightened of change and this is possibly the biggest change in 40odd years, not since joining the dreded EU has this country see changes like this.
  9. Brexit is going awesomely, isn't it IIR?
  10. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    ??? What do you know that we dont, because so far its going as expected the EU are trying to !!!! Well just being the EU and not producing anything worth a toss
  11. Always the EU's fault... :rolleyes:

    They have been soooo bad to us - we need to $pank their botties.
  12. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    Ms Hartley-Brewer posted on Twitter that she had "spoken previously about a Cabinet minister who repeatedly put his hand on my knee during a party conference dinner".

    "I calmly and politely explained to him that if he did it again I would 'punch him in the face'.

    "He withdrew his hand and that was the end of the matter.

    "I have had no issues since with the man in question and do not regard the incident as anything but mildly amusing."

    What a woman!, she could have earned a few quid in compo, she could have played the victim card and earned DA's undying admiration. What a woman.
    longboat likes this.
  13. Yes, I wish all those women who were raped were as resilient. Then there just wouldn't be a problem.
  14. Filly, are you 70+? A wizened gurning drooling cackling incontinent fool? One hand constantly down the front of yer pants?

    If not, you have no excuse.

    (And even if...)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2017
  15. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    You say that sarcastically. But think about it more(properly) and you will see that your sarcasm has become irony.

    If they were as resilient, the men would have learned the message and it wouldn't be happening now.

    It is BECAUSE they have not been resilient, that the perpetrators feel they can get away with it(which they have been doing).

    As for touching knees=molestation or rape, what twaddle. Tell you what. Almost no-one would have a loving partner if they were jailed for making advances, for god's sake!

    Good on her for sorting him out. So that stopped him on that occasion. It works. "Then there just wouldn't be a problem" And so, for her, there is no problem any more with this bloke(and most likely the same with any future chancers)!

    It bothers me mostly that the majority of these women are not reporting the things like rape, 'for fear of their career being ruined or because the perpetrator is so important etc.

    Not staying silent because of the shame they may feel, or how disgusting they will be made to feel, the pain they will endure by telling the truth, the humility etc.

    No. They put their job/career ABOVE being raped!

    "I felt I could not say anything, or I may never work in this industry again!"

    What? Above rape?

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
  16. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    I doubt it, she's an ardent brexiteer.
    And she threatened physical violence.

    She's one of u-s.
    As you said, "what a woman".
    fillyboy likes this.
  17. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    Trust you to think like that

    Me would rather they just got on with the job in hand instead of the "No trade talks until you tell us how much bribe you're paying us"
  18. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    All women that were raped?
    What are you on about?
  19. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

  20. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    It's getting there, slowly.
    What are you going to do with yourself when the day of 'exit' arrives?

    Scream at the sky?

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