It's as simple as this, Longs:
BEING A MEMBER OF THE EU is NUTS. It is absolutely CRAZY. It's economic suicide. It damages our true values. It wrecks what made Britain GREAT. It ruins our standing in the world. It makes us a laughing stock. It panders to the most simple-minded bigots, those who made up the bulk of its supporters. The whole campaign was financed and driven by right-wing zealots like Bannon and Banks (and with help from the you-know-whos). Brexit has not only direct parallels to Trumpism, but was controlled by some of the same people.
And, these people don't give a t*** about the likes of you and me. They simply want their insular waspish world of low tax and capital freedom and power. And these guys are already the richest of the rich; these are the circles they move around in.
If these guys get their way, you can kiss the NHS goodbye for starters - we won't have the money to finance it, so expect partial privatisation - or more (because that's what all these guys want).
I couldn't agree more.