Every now and then it impossible to not say something.
I think it is most difficult when there is a thread that has zero ill feeling and is just unrelated to anything controversial and someone decides to put a snarky comment up, just to be unpleasant.
Know what you mean Goldy, a few days ago the Saturday night thread was going really well and pleasant and RS was talking about his grandchildren, then this was slipped in the thread by DA, is this the sort of thing you are referring to ?
RS Says.
Yep.........love em to bits....
Not enough energy for them.
2.5 year old grand daughter going on 9 years old.......
Bright as a button........" grand dad... you call me poppet and i will call you grand dad"
"Grand dad stay in your chair !!!!......don't chase me"
Expecting another in November.......all being well.
The vino is kicking in....lol
DA Says
“If she's as bright as a button, I guess it won't be long before she sits on your knee and asks "Tell me, granddad - why did some people take away my European citizenship? Why do they hate people who aren't like themselves? Why do they want other people strung up with piano wire? Granddad - why is your mind like a cesspit?"
Anyway back to train travel.
The splitting thing does seem to work better closer to the date of travel.
I think it will be a good resource.
I was impressed by a) the price and b) how idiot proof the instructions are.
On a separate not. When I was a kid and short on funds I worked out a totally legal way to travel the length of the country for virtually nothing.
Permit to travel machines. Not sure if stations still have them but years ago every station had them. Usually hidden away in a stairwell or by the toilets
All you had to do was put 5p in and get a permit to travel ticket out. That would allow you to travel for 2 hrs without penalty fare.
I went absolutely hundreds of miles stopping in little stations to get a new one.