I am not a UKIP supporter but I like Nigel Farage and most of his policies.
I suspect that his party has a lot of ex BNP and EDL supporters in it.
Nationalism should not be confused with patriotism. We were patriotic during WW2 whilst Germany was a nationalistic dictatorship led by Hitler who was a megalomaniac. And no Ryluer I don't think Nigel is like Hitler. I would not mind having a pint with the former whilst I would not want to drink with the latter.
The main stumbling block for UKIP and other eurosceptics is that we have not enough information to decide which is better ,in or out. What happens to EU type approval, the CE mark. It can take 18 months to get legislation through Parliament. We might not be able to sell anything for that period. Think of the insurance claims if we did.
What becomes of farmers' subsidies if we exit the EU. God knows I don't want a European Army and waste in moving from Brussels to Strasbourg each month is obscene. but the cost to industry could be many times that saved by the Exchequer, The EU has never got its accounts signed off as audited and as an ex chartered accountant ( I have retired and don't wan't to know anything about it - not been struck off! LOL) I can confirm that as year one is not signed off subsequent years cannot be. President Obama does not want us to leave the EU and with Putin sniffing at the Baltic States and allegedly financially supporting far right parties in Europe including the Front National in France I don't think now is the time to rock the apple cart . I know there is NATO .
I am afraid that if the Tories get in and there is a referendum later in 2017 the British people will vote with their hearts and not their brains as they do not have enough information. Let the EU fester and eventually it might collapse from within. Greece might exit the Euro , other countries might follow Etc. Etc. and eventually it might end up as the trading partnership that you and Nigel Farage want.
Sorry for the long rant but this is an extremely complex problem .