Very well put Paul, you may be right, in fact your almost certainly right, Europe will implode and self distruct, in my mind it's like the Roman empire of old, it got to big for its own good and rapidly disappeared in to oblivion, the down side is probably the same, the country will go backwards for a little while but become stronger for it.
Exit polls are showing that Ukip will only have two seats, so not much chance of a coalition govt with them and the Conservatives. Although the exit polls are showing that the Conservatives will have the most seats after all constituencies have declared. So it's looking like no real change (at the moment) I see Sunderland is still living in the past though,
What UKIP have accomplished in this election is impressive by any measure, certainly they have gotten a good increase in votes. Best hope it stops and they return to under whatever rock they crawled out from. Nigel Farage is a small minded petty man, his recent declared war on the BBC because he didn't like their coverage portrays a man who is petty at best. When he called the police over comments made on Have I Got News For You - he looked like an idiot. Every party gets slated on HIGNFY equally, and I remember the first time I ever saw or heard of Nigel Farage years ago.... when he was on HIGNFY. His cut short interview this evening on ITV when he blamed the papers for the coverage of UKIP and for not supporting him was childish behaviour of a man that a few months ago expected 20 or so MPs, and has now found out it wasn't to be, and has thrown his toys out of the pram. I could not imagine a worse man to be the PM of this country than a small minded petty man who can't cope with criticism on any level. If you want to be an MP, especially as a party leader then you need to be able to cope with criticism, its part of the job. Their policies are absurd, pulling out of Europe will not pay for everything, and immigration is not the root of every problem faced by our country. UKIP say in their manifest that they will hold an in/out referendum on Europe as soon as they can, which is fine. What the don't say is how they will pay for any of their other policies if the referendum does not go their way, and we vote to stay in the EU. Their policies offer everything, because they know they will not have to actually enact what is in their manifesto, and it doesn't do anything to address actual problems. Their total policy is reduce immigration, pull out of the EU, use money to buy everything you ever wanted. Except HS2 of course. Any man who blames being late for a debate on extra traffic on the roads because of immigrants is not a good man for the job of Prime Minister. Heres to a bad night for UKIP
Under the corrupt way votes are counted, as it stands, Ukip have had around 3.5 million votes and have 1 seat, SNP have had around 1.5 million votes and 48 seats, so as always, what the people want they don't get, you will get what the powers that be want like it or lump it. The powers that be are not those who end up running the country, it's those who run them.
Yep I'm watching the same programme Phil I don't like UKIP, but I completely agree that the current system does not work, and the SNP situation you've mentioned is an excellent example of why. Despite my dislike of UKIP, I do believe that if people really want to vote for them, then they should be able to and have their votes counted in a meaningful way. The system used for the EU elections works nicely, whereby the candidates for each party are placed in order, and then a proportion of them elected depending on the total number of national votes. Local MP's would ideally be separate from the general election, a good MP may not get in because of the party they represent, and also the opposite is true, whereby a terrible local MP who does little for their constituents may get elected because of the popularity of their party. Douglas Carswell made his point well about UKIP and the Greens following his election. It's certainly not been a boring election though!
Jezza should have formed the Top Gear party. Anyway, on a more serious note concerning our Nige, Yes the BBC coverage in the run up to the election showed a biased political view. For those who think immigration and the EU isn't a major concern for this country,,, Where have you been these last ten or twenty years? (at least there's one small comfort,, George Galloway has gone) ( I expect another appearance on Big Brother in the offing)
So, so unfair. Time for proportional representation, it's long over due, also the age limit needs to be dropped to 16 in my opinion. We need to modernise the voting system for the 21st century.
Left the horrible Harriet Harman in charge, any one forgetting
Don't see why you scots rebels deserve to be heard. Your nothing special. Certainly nothing above any other section off the UK.