No need to give up on here Paul. I wasn't meaning to upset anyone I think perhaps it was more just a overall conversation rather than a dig at you. I was more commenting on the fact that once rumour and gossip gets going it gains its own momentum. Its more really directed at Daily Mail, Daily Express, David Icke, Guido Fawkes and all those other online resources who relentlessly churn out these nonsense stories and perpetuate lies regardless of the impact on families or innocent people.
Hi Paul. I have just looked at the Wikipedia entry for David Kelly, and I do owe you an apology. The Wiki site does cover the anomalies in the case in some huge detail, so I can't say I'd be surprised if anyone said "wot the 'ells going on here..?" after reading that. It was an important case - as was the whole Iraq situation - and it's one I followed with some interest all along. The tragedy with Dr Kelly was one major shocking incident, but I think it's pretty clear what happened there. Don't leave us, man...
Don't leave PB , most of us know you weren't being goulish . Sorry to hear that Handy . I know Gb has personal links to the family of Mr Kelly, and they must be sick of hearing about it. The reason most people are sceptical, is No WMD's , yet we still went to war with Iraq. This is why people remember the case so well. Ps don't mean to offend anyone.
As my pram no longer has any toys to throw out of I have returned. Sorry. Not really any need to apologise DA I was over-reacting. In the middle of floor levelling, I went to B & Q for some more leveller and had a minor shunt in the car and to overreact on here was childish on my part. Handy: I am really sorry. Goldenboy : I know I must have hit a raw nerve with my unintentionally crass comment. Sorry Gatt: You hit the nail on the head , Thanks I was looking at a thread about Christopher Hitchens and you guys certainly have intelligent discussions.
GROUP CYBER HUG... And if you were looking at a thread about Christopher Hitchens, Paul, you must stay on here. (He's my absolute hero. Badly missed.) Which thread were you looking at? Ryluer certainly instigates some good discussions. Best Regards Paul
"Ryluer certainly instigates some good discussions." That's one way of putting it . I honestly don't know if the guy is a wind-up merchant or the 'real thing'. I really hope he ain't the real thing...
I hope he is, it's good that peeps have different opinions otherwise the world would be a boring place.
Forget Iraq and WMD. There was almost a bigger conflict when Ryluer tried to pick a scrap with me about veneering.
Wiki isn't widely known as a source of unbiased opinion especially regarding conspiracy cases. Grant Shapps springs to mind for some reason. I meant to post this last night but as usual I pressed the wrong button.
You are only entitled to what you can argue for.” Is this a famous quotation DA? I don't think it is Oscar Wilde. Albert Einstein or Mark Twain. I suppose it could be by Mao tse tung or Kim jong-un
Phil and Paul - I think it was by that great political commentator - David Mitchell... (My other hero... ) And, actually, it is true. Ish. Just take it to its logical conclusion - there will be some views so unreasonable and abhorrent that they don't deserve airing.