Which appliances do these pipes connect to?


New Member
I have recently bought my first house and just started renovating it. Complete novice here and would like to know which appliances these pipes connect to. Thanks in advance

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The first picture could be either a washing machine (WM) or dishwasher (DW) - one assumes that there is provision for the waste in the cupboard under the sink.

The second picture shows a WM/DW valve with a garden hose attachment fitted (the brass bit). The picture doesn't show any power socket or waste provision so although it's reasonable to assume that it might also accommodate a WM or DW we need more info. For all we know it's a fridge or freezer space on the other side of the kitchen and there's a valve bodged in so that someone could wash their car. It's not an ideal arrangement to have the valve behind the appliance either way. The brass bit will unscrew if you want to fit either appliance.

Good luck in your new home by the way.