Breathable roof membrane

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by Alex83, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Alex83

    Alex83 Member

    Just moved into our new house its approx 150 years old and has been recently renovated! The guy I bought it off had removed all the tiles on the pitched roof replaced battons and fitted a breathable membrane before refitting the roof tiles. All seemed good however with the high winds in the last few days I heard a flapping noise coming from various areas of the roof and on closer inspection it is coming from the breathable membrane when the wind catches it! The membrane is security fastened to main roof strucutire and is tight without been pulled really tight. Although it seems to be secured to the main battons it doesn't seem to be fixed to the smaller horizontal battons? Any advice much appreciated :)
  2. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    That all sounds about right.
  3. Alex83

    Alex83 Member

    What so it's normally noisey?
  4. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I'm saying that the membrane appears to be fitted normally, I don't know why so much wind is getting under your tiles.
    A picture speaks a thousand words.

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