Can I keep old soil pipe for sink use only ? (And chop it right down)?

Discussion in 'Plumbers' Talk' started by cypher, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. cypher

    cypher New Member

    hi guys

    Im fitting a new soil pipe/stack ,  as bathroom is being moved to another room.

    Do you think it is ok to keep the existing soil stack just for use with the kitchen sink / washing machine ?

    and more to the point,  is it possible to cut the soil stack right down to just where the kitchen wastes go into it + cap the pipe off ?

    or does it still need to go above the eves and be open / vented as a normal stack ?

    the new + old ( current ) soils stacks are about  5-6 m away from each other

    any help greatly appreciated,

  2. petertheplumber

    petertheplumber New Member

  3. cypher

    cypher New Member

    thanks Peter

    I have seen these valves but   "  It is recommended that air admittance valves are not used externally as environmental debris will affect the air tightness performance of the valve  "  ?

    does this mean its against current regulations to fit + use them outside ?
  4. petertheplumber

    petertheplumber New Member

  5. cypher

    cypher New Member

    Ive had a look and it seems you can get  - AAV specifically for external use -

    if i get one of these,  you say I can chop the soils stack right down,   to say just 1m from ground + cap it off with the external grade AAV ?

    or does it still need to be 900mm above any opening window ?
  6. petertheplumber

    petertheplumber New Member

    No opening window is irrelevant, since it only works one way, it sucks air in but won't let soiled air out, it is done to stop water being sucked out of any traps under sinks etc, that is the reason for a vent in the first place. As long as it is higher than the waste pipe so that it is above any water line. The highest would be the sink waste outlet.
  7. I think an alternative would be to cut the soil pipe right down - to below ground level :).

    And fit a 4" gulley and trap as you would with gutter downpipe drains. Then your kitchen waste pipe would just aim down into it. If cosmetics is an issue, it could be a much neater solution. Since it's open to the air at the top - tho' sealed from the underground drain with the P trap - you won't have 'suction' issues.

    Tbh, even with your own idea, with the relaitively low flow from a kitchen sink, I doubt you'd have much of a suction issue. You might want to decide to risk putting the 1 1/2" pipe straight in to the 4" soil and cap off the end. If there's an 'issue', then add an AAV *cough*
  8. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Question is, will the new soil pipe be in any way connected to the drain of the old soil pipe?

    If so, you will have venting, and you can seal the 40mm sink pipe at the ground.

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
  9. cypher

    cypher New Member

    thanks for all the help,  really appreciated

    I think I will try just cutting the current soil pipe to about 1m off ground + cap it off

    if i get a problem then fit an AAV

    the ' new ' soil pipe Im fitting,  is actually where it was originally,    previous owner moved bathroom to a larger room + fitted a soil stack that connects to the original clay underground soil drain  ( + then removed the original soil stack completely  )

    so im reverting back to how it wouldve been,  only that this time, Ive got the 2nd soil stack , which i will keep for the sink / washer drain,  rather than run them 5m or so with longer runs to my new stack

  10. petertheplumber

    petertheplumber New Member

    That should be ok and I wish you good fortune.

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