Extractor fan vent covers at high level.

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by sparky55, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. sparky55

    sparky55 New Member

    Hi. Guys.

    Can anyone please help.

    I have an extractor fan to fit on fourth floor of a blockof flats.

    Fan and hole not a problem, but does anybody know of a vent cover that can installed by pushing it through the 100mm hole.

    Sure i have seen somewhere but cannot find it.

    Thanx in advance.

  2. wally

    wally Screwfix Select

    They do make such an item, its a pipe with a rubber sleave (like a toilet pan seal) & on the end is a grill.  You can push through without going outside.  I have used them & probally got one somewhere.   I cant be sure but you could try & ring Expelair,
  3. wereismypipeslice

    wereismypipeslice New Member

    They do but are hard to find.

    It can be done with an ordinary one an a bit of improvisation if you can get some access at ground level below where the hole in the wall will be.

    Make the hole in the wall from inside. Assemble the external grill onto a length of 4 inch solid ducting with the angle the same as the angle of the hole in the wall and about three inches longer that the hole in the wall. Put a mark on the end of the duct at the bottom so you can tell which wy the grill is when it is on the wall.

    Lower a length of thin cord(blue drawstring ideal )through the hole so it reaches the ground, Thread it through the duct and the grill and then back through a different slot in the grill, Tie the end into a loop that is several inches longer that the hole through the wall. Now you can pull the duct and grill upto the outside of the hole. With a dainty hand through the hole manouver the duct through the hole and check it looks OK from outside. If necessary lower and adjust. When all is OK lower it again and add suitable glue / sealant to the insided face of the grill so it will stick and seal to the wall.

    Pull it back up, put it in place and allow time for glue to fix it to the wall. Keep tension on the string to hold the grill in place. When set cut the loop and remove string. Fit internal fan and be ventilated.
  4. seneca

    seneca Screwfix Select

    Very ingenious, sounds good in theory but in practice sounds a bit of a palava!
  5. wally

    wally Screwfix Select

    [​IMG]There you are, my mistake of the maker, its greenwood airvac
  6. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    I could see that actually working there Sen. Reckon you'd have to fix the grille fairly solidly to the duct though.. Wouldna think Palava would have owt to do with it though.
  7. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Couple of small screws through the pipe into the vent insert.

    And make a small hole in the inner wall end of the pipe for the string. Bit of batten through the hole in the wall to guide it in when it is pulled up near, because othewrwise, when you've pulled in up and keep pulling, it's just gonna stop, still dangling(not horizontal) near the bottom of the hole in the outside wall. Use the batten to keep it horizontal. Sounds simple!

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
  8. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    That's why "wereismypipeslice", said to reach though with yer arm an pull it in (with a dainty hand, I'd use the missus for that bit)
  9. Lectrician

    Lectrician Screwfix Select

    I have done a very similar thing when I forgot to load my ladders onto the van - I found red drawstring to be far better though....
  10. sparky55

    sparky55 New Member

    Thanx Wally and others . Will try all suggestions.:)
  11. iandaviot

    iandaviot Member

    I have done this method many a time" wereismypipeslice" it works a treat. Saves ladders/scaffold etc
  12. wereismypipeslice

    wereismypipeslice New Member

    it is rather quite easy we did around 50 on a block of high rise flats as there was no money in job for cherry picker /fancy vents

    very cost effective ;)

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