Football has to be the most boring thing ever.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Coloumb, Jun 22, 2015.


Football has to be the most boring thing ever.

Poll closed Jun 29, 2015.
  1. Yes. It's so dull.

  2. No. I love it.

  3. I don't really know. It's not an easy question.

  1. Coloumb

    Coloumb Screwfix Select

    I, for one, can not stand it.
  2. PaulBlackpool

    PaulBlackpool Screwfix Select

    My wife's likes football . We get BT Sport on Sky so she can watch a decent match on a Saturday. I can watch an important match now and again. What puts me off football is that these modern ridiculously overpaid prima donnas can't keep the ball on the pitch for more than 30 seconds and if they do they fall over "injured" all the time.
    Otherwise whether you are sporty or not depends on your upbringing I suppose. She also likes athletics and seeing this coming from Russia last weekend fills me with some hope for the world. If everything could be settled by a football match or an 100 meters race the world would be a better place.
    It is more pleasant to listen to the football results than the "score of death" in the Middle East.
  3. tom.plum

    tom.plum Screwfix Select

    I hate the game with a passion, I just don't understand why it sends people into a frenzy just because one individual manages to kick a ball into a target the size of a single decker bus, I reckon there's some 'key' in the brain that you need to activate to understand it, thank god my keys not been activated, Even though I don't give a monkeys about who wins what, my world is affected, Every pub in the world now has wall to wall televisions with football on at ear piercing volume,so the blokes like me who once thought a pub was a place to go for a quiet pint and a chat has no longer a place to go,
    Not only that but, on football days the constant noise of police and ambulance sirens in our towns,the hooligans (mostly unreported) they don't want us to know, the strain on our emgeracy services and WHY ? the answer is money, Its an industry about mugs buying tickets,shirts,hats,scarfs,programs,posters and mugs etc etc, Its legalised racketeering because the people who make laws in this country also dip into the money made from footie,,o_O
    malkie129 and Ray Retired like this.
  4. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    Can't stand it either.
    Such a pointless activity. Remember starting secondary school and being used as target practise by a high velocity ball.
  5. nigel willson

    nigel willson Screwfix Select

    Been saying that for years!!!
  6. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    I see the womens world cup was on. What I want to know is, How long did it take for all the players to park up in the stadium car park ?
  7. CGN

    CGN Screwfix Select

    Never been Interested in it just doesn't seem to resonate with me in any way!
    malkie129 likes this.
  8. teabreak

    teabreak Screwfix Select

    Madness in my view, overpaid and overrated!
    Just don't understand how somebody can get so worked up about a team that has almost nothing to do with where the team is based, most players are not from the area let alone the country!
    One day they are shouting abuse at a player on an opposing team next week he has been transferred and he is the darling of the club!
    Now ladies Topless Football or Tennis that I could get into!;);)
    CGN likes this.
  9. FatHands

    FatHands Well-Known Member

    now you are talking TB ;)
  10. Need a bigger hammer

    Need a bigger hammer Active Member

    Watching 22 "Nancy boys." Kicking a bag of wind, round a patch of grass. What's to like?:(
    I firmly believe that only people who are intellectually challenged, find this pastime enjoyable. ;)
  11. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Pusssies the lot of them, should do real mans sport like me. :D:D:D

  12. Need a bigger hammer

    Need a bigger hammer Active Member

    I think all those "Pansies" should be nominated for oscars... Never mind the world cup.
  13. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Screwfix Select

    I like football and spend most of my time ribbing friends and workmates about it and I don't really know what I'd do without it.

    Go fishing or something I suppose.
  14. CGN

    CGN Screwfix Select

    Now we're talking. :)
  15. parahandy

    parahandy Screwfix Select

    Football is the new religion and equally as b*ll#it as the old ones.

    That said, I loves a good game of kick baw :)
  16. Coloumb

    Coloumb Screwfix Select

    What I can't stand is when people watch it on tv and start yelling at the tv. I mean, what is the point to that? Maybe if your a group but a single person watching? It just makes me cringe.
  17. Josh Pipefitter

    Josh Pipefitter New Member

    I suppose it's just one of those things, your either into it or your not.

    Although I do think money has ruined the game. Sometime in the future the bubble will burst.
  18. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    There's a lot better stuff on the telly to yell at. Party political broadcasts for starters, (and any news items featuring Dave Camoron, any Labour bods, or Limp Dems.) :p:p:p:p:p

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