How best sort flaky paint on rendering

Discussion in 'Painters' Talk' started by Gazzalad2000, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Gazzalad2000

    Gazzalad2000 Member

    Hi guys

    I just posted this in the builders thread, but then thought it might be better here.

    Im just buying a house and its smooth rendered and in quite a few places, then paint is bubbling up where its rendered. So after scraping the old loose paint off is there anything i can use that will make the paint stick better so i dont have to keep doing this all the time?

    Or any type of paint that seems to stay on better?

    I can look forward to a redoing the whole lot as the colours wont match lol


  2. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    Where is it bubbling exactly and age of property?

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