How to connect flue liner to flue box

Discussion in 'Other Trades Talk' started by BR36, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. BR36

    BR36 New Member

    Hi, looking for some help in trying to save a little cash by fitting my flue box and fire into the fire aperture and connecting the liner so that the heating guy can just connect the gas. The flue box didn't come with any instructions (!) and has a 5 1/2" O/D outlet. Existing flue liner is 4", how do I connect the two?
  2. With a flue adapter you tightwad.
    Ibrahim Hossen Tareq likes this.
  3. BR36

    BR36 New Member

    Ha, wasn't thinking about actually saving the cost of the parts, more on the labour to install:)

    Sorted now anyway, seems we were sold the wrong size flue liner so got it changed and now have the flue adapter to suit.
  4. Cool glad it worked out well. gas appliances state the size of flue required for the appliance, however most gas / flue fittings do not come with instructions as the assume it's being installed by a "competent" installer.

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