I think I've been a bit daft with my extractor fan, any advice please?

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by Karen McCann, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    So I got my bathroom remodelled this week and I'd asked the company if I could have my extractor fan separate from the light (as it used to be connected) and here's where I think I've been a bit silly. I thought it was obvious that it would have a switch outside the bathroom with the lights but although it is separate now, the only way to turn it on is the switch underneath it. I'm only 5ft 2 so can only reach it with a ladder which I obviously don't want to do everytime I have a shower.
    I appreciate this was my fault for not specifying but am I just stuck with this now or is there anything I could do/buy to make it more practical to use at all? Thanks, I feel so stupid!
  2. The Happy Builder

    The Happy Builder Screwfix Select

    What is the switch, is it a pull cord?
    Karen McCann likes this.
  3. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    Hi and thanks for your reply. No it's a double switch. Like you get in a plug socket but larger
    Edit it's not a double switch, it's one big switch
  4. Comlec

    Comlec Screwfix Select

    If there is no other way to solve this problem then it should be possible to fit a wireless remote switch.

    Pictures might help elicit better advice
    Ind spark and Karen McCann like this.
  5. Tuxmark2

    Tuxmark2 Screwfix Select

    Whoever fitted the switch there was an idiot as it would have been obvious you would have trouble reaching it so your not being silly at all.

    Resolving it depends on how its actually wire in but you should get the person back and tell them its not acceptable at all.
    One possible option is to move the switch if its possible out of the room and ideally next to the light switch.
    If that's not possible for one reason or another then you are faced with two options:

    1) Have the fan wired so its activated by the light or
    2) Have the switch replaced with a occupancy sensor so the fan turn on as you enter the room, how easy this would be would depend on how the fan and switch are wired in.
    Ind spark and Karen McCann like this.
  6. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    I've attached a picture, thank you

    Attached Files:

  7. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    Thanks, I did think it was obvious so that makes me feel a little better. I would obviously rather it was activated by the light than ridiculously out of my reach.
    I have no clue about this kind of thing but see there's fans you can control with apps. Is it as easy as switching or not at all (I do not mean myself obviously)
  8. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

  9. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    Thank you. I'll Google that (to get an idea, I'm obviously not talking about even attempting anything myself here)
  10. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

    I added a link, should be easy for an electrician
    Karen McCann likes this.
  11. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    Ah thanks so much for that, you've been very kind
    Ind spark likes this.
  12. arrow

    arrow Screwfix Select

    Should be able to get a pull switch fitted in the corner.
    Karen McCann and Ind spark like this.
  13. Tuxmark2

    Tuxmark2 Screwfix Select

    That's an isolator switch so there will be or should be a L,N and Switched L giving you various options to change it or do as Arrow suggested, fit a pull cord switch in the corner and adjust the cord so its suitable for you operate.

    By the way, your not the only one who wants the fan separate from the light, for various reasons I fitted mine this way, its personal preference for the person needing it and not for the person fitting it.
    Karen McCann likes this.
  14. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    Thanks so much you've been very helpful.
  15. Refuse to Bend

    Refuse to Bend Active Member

    You are not the stupid one they are. Get them back and ask how you are supposed to switch the fan on. Under no circumstances was this your fault they should have in their tiny minds thought this has no accessible functional switch.
    Karen McCann likes this.
  16. Alan22

    Alan22 Screwfix Select

    Who fits a switch 6' up a wall? now removing it is going to leave you with a hole in a tiled wall, tell them you want the tile fixed too.
    Karen McCann likes this.
  17. Refuse to Bend

    Refuse to Bend Active Member

    The "switch" is the isolator they just never provided functional switching.
    Karen McCann and Alan22 like this.
  18. Alan22

    Alan22 Screwfix Select

    To me that presents a moment of confusion and a question, that is 'does the original switch still work?' if so rather than fit a new switch they fitted an isolator for no apparent reason, if not they fitted an isolator and left the OP without a switch..for no apparent reason:)
    Karen McCann likes this.
  19. Karen McCann

    Karen McCann New Member

    I could honestly cry. Thanks tho, appreciate you taking the time to reply!
  20. Refuse to Bend

    Refuse to Bend Active Member

    Originally it was activated by the light which she wanted changed to independent control the result of this, there is no control at all.

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