No hacer preguntas tontas....

Discussion in 'Engineers' Talk' started by mariamarrrr, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. mariamarrrr

    mariamarrrr New Member

    Muchos en dicen que busques en google, antes
    de preguntar tonterias.
    yo lo he intentado alguna vez y no encuentro nada.

    alguna consejo para las busquedas.
  2. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

  3. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    I think it's an advert for Google in Spanglish. :D:D:D:D
  4. unphased

    unphased Screwfix Select

    It says:
    Many say you search in google, before
    asking nonsense.
    I've tried once and find nothing.

    any advice for the search

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