Now here is a shock

Discussion in 'Job Talk' started by wiggy, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

  2. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    What makes me laugh about story's like this is that ministers are only just chatching on to this practice, it's been going on for years and years.

    But rather than worry about British workers losing out to this practice, MPs are worried that the immigrants are being ripped off, arrrrhhhhh bless.
  3. Sean_ork

    Sean_ork Screwfix Select

    the issue with news articles like this is that it encourages many ignorant, stupid folks to believe that this applies to all immigrants - it's the same when an article in published highlighting a fraudulent benefits claim, it just feeds those gullible folks all too keen to believe that all folks on benefits are undeserving, lazy fraudsters

    the fact remains that the nation built much of it's historical wealth abusing the labour of immigrants and folks overseas, we've got to an economic state now where the country just could not function without immigrants - they certainly don't mind working hard for their living - as opposed to the far to numerous Brits happy to live a life on handouts from the state
  4. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    I didn't think it would take mr orourke too long to come to the defence of the immigrants and **** off the british worker.

    Wise up son, it won't be long before they are moving in to your office.

    Would you work for £40-£60 a day, of course you wouldn't, but thats what trades will/have to compete with.
  5. Sean_ork

    Sean_ork Screwfix Select

    thank you for proving my point
  6. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    I think Sean is a immigrant, that or he's is totally deluded in the fact that just because we abused immigration in the past that the country has the ability allow them in vast numbers and all will be well.

    Immigrants have and will still play a vital role in the running of this country, those that come here and work in proper jobs paying all the dues that come with that job are more than welcome.

    The trouble is that MOST of them over here are not in proper job, they are here either claiming benefits or trying to rip us off with fraud involving credit/debit cards, or setting up crash for cash scams, both of which cost this country millions upon millions a year.
    wiggy likes this.
  7. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    You didn't have a point…

    I guess you come from a long line of immigrants yourself and have a wee chip on your tinker shoulder.
  8. Wiggy, I'm ashamed of you - 'rony doesn't cover it.

    Interesting article. Some snippets; "Bulgarian and Romanian...labourers gathering at locations in Tottenham and Cricklewood each morning looking for work"

    My, not a single Brit amongst them looking for work. I'm surprised peeps on here haven't suggested we swap our scroungers for these hard-working immigrants.

    And who is one of the dodgy employers? Jamal Syeed, a businessman. And likely a 1st or 2nd-generation immigrant himself.

    Bad attitude, that man.
  9. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    Its one thing us having brit scroungers, but then we have to pay out for foreign scroungers.

    I wonder why there where no brits at the side of the road along side the immigrants, really.

    Its not all bad though, I can get rid of my long term right hand man and replace him with 3 x cheap labour, get the job done quicker and more money for me.

    When hell freezes over gentlemen
  10. You're da man.

    These foreign 'scroungers' are slogging their guts out for £40 a day. They are driven to better themselves, and will travel to a different country - where they must feel some considerable hostility - and work their butts off.

    That doesn't sound like 'scrounging' to me.

    Their British equivalent will travel as far as the 'on' switch on their tele.
  11. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    :D love you DA
  12. Sean_ork

    Sean_ork Screwfix Select

    is that a ''fact'' or the opening paragraph of someone's creative writing homework ?

    you could have countered my point with some well reasoned, thoughtful comment that had some basis of fact to support it - but no, like others you've opted for the assumption and abuse tactic - whilst that may be entertaining and help vent your spleen, it won't win the support of anyone other than those who also believe all that they read is true
  13. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2014
  14. Sean_ork

    Sean_ork Screwfix Select

  15. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    I all ready made a post about the Above, now going on official figures for the amount of immigrant in this country, that story is pure fiction, that or the immigrate are all earning million pound + salaries.

    Now bearing in mind that a massive amount if them are waiting on street corners every day for work, that brings in no income for the country, that leave the VERY few that are in the system legally paying even more if that story is to be believed.

    So as you like to point out when it suits you, DON'T believe all you read.
    wiggy likes this.
  16. They have been hanging about the entrance to Wickes car park on the Seven Sisters road for at least 10 years.When occasionally the police turn up they just cross and wander up and down road.They then regroup when the police have gone.

    You have to try and park your van just outside the store,to make sure it is ok.

    I have seen the diabolical work that this lot carry out.It is time we got our country back and building work went to indigenous British workers.
  17. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Anyone watching C4 secrets of the pick pockets, 40 minutes in and yet to see a British gang at work, so far all Eastern European, but then again C4 could just be racist. :rolleyes:
  18. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Sadly, Sean, we can't live in the past, nor should we apologise for the misdemeanour's of our forebears. You really should become a politician. You can then apologise for the slave trade. You can apologise to the Spanish for that most famous of pirates, Edward Teach. (after all he plundered many a Spanish galleon) Heck, you can even apologise for the rantings of Enoch Powell... At the same time, you might as well promise to pay reparation. (there'll be no shortage of claimants) :D:D:D:D:D:D
  19. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Sean of Ork will be along shortly accusing C4 of racism in the extreme... "Why oh why couldn't they find a gang of British layabouts, flouting the law?" we'll hear him ask.... Oh yeah, us Brits don't want anything that might affect our benefits,,, do we?? :D:D:D:D
    Phil the Paver likes this.
  20. Sean_ork

    Sean_ork Screwfix Select

    reap what you sow folks ......

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