
Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by philthespark, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. philthespark

    philthespark Active Member

    Shocking news over the weekend about the massacre in Orlando,I've been watching the story on the news and it really got to me.Once again we had a nutter with a gun decide to slaughter a load of innocent people,and once again we had people saying why did people need access to the kind of weapons they can legally buy in the states,and no doubt once again we'll have people quoting the constituition and the right to own weapons.once the dust settles.
    Some guy was on the news saying that the perpetrator was a "self radicalised" muslim,as if that makes it ok!Wether he was radicalised by himself or someone else doesn't matter,he still did what he did and it was wrong.
    There are so many hippocrites in the world today and the I S mob are some of the worst,there was a video doing the rounds fairly recently in which a young gay lad aged 15 was thrown off the roof of a building in Syria,for being gay,this was after a high up member of the local ISIS group had had sex with him! So much for them not liking gays!
    There is great use made today of the word "phobia", it gets attached to many things,often incorrectly,homophobia,quite literally means a "fear of homosexuals", Islamaphobia, a "fear of Islam".Both these terms are quite often used incorrectly in my experience,take Islamophobia,be honest are we really afraid of Islam,or do we just hate a lot of what it stands for and what is done in the so called name of Allah? Homophobia,are we all frightened of gays or do we just not understand them? I,m old enough to remember back when so called "***** bashing" was a popular Saturday night pass time,along with the overuse of the stop and search powers that did so much to alienate members of the black community in certain major towns and cities.
    I suppose growing up in those times you developed a natural mistrust of certain people and certain things,there was even a public information film in the 60's entitled "watch out for homosexuals",can you imagine doing that today?
    I'm saddened that a so called "religious" group wants to drag us back to the dark ages,I,m a roughty toughty type of bloke,I've been stabbed,shot at and had several women on the go at once,In short I'm as straight a bloke as you'll ever meet.However I've got gay relatives,been to gay weddings and one of the best nights out I ever had was in a gay bar,there wasn't any aggro,and it was a great night.
    Why oh why should we allow any group of people to drag us back to the dark ages?
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  2. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    There was a guy interviewed on C4 news yesterday from the gun lobby defending gun ownership and he basically said that if you're shot in America its your own fault because you didn't have a gun to defend your self.
  3. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    Number of deaths by firearms in the USA in 2009: 31,347, which includes 18,735 by suicide.
    Source - Google.

    Someone said on the radio yesterday that a mass shooting in America is defined as 2 or more people being shot.
    Which happens almost daily in America.
  4. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    Don't know what the answer is, usa will never change the gun law sadly, & changing the second amendent, no chance, been tried numerous times over the years without success.
    There is no way they can ban semi auto or fully auto weapons, or the huge custom market, that makes extended magazines, for autos & pistols,take the AR15 , it has a 150 round double drum magazine for example available. Roughly 150 rounds fired in 10 seconds.:eek:
    You want to kill a high number of people, there are many other ways, bombs,gas, & biological which covers a very wide spectrum.

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
  5. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    And in the USA,their are inventors who make a living from gun mods.
    This totally insane,& impractical, BUT it shows what some get up modifiying rifles from magazine to belt fed, regardly of calibre, it would still kill you, the 22 LR is effective to about 150yds, & would still do a lot of tissue damage.

  6. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    Piers Morgan spent time in America trying to get that weapon banned afaik.
    The American gun lobby must have been cacking itself.

  7. Amen.

    Never lose sight that there's billions of people out there - but only a teeny, tiny proportion do anything so heinous. That must surely mean that most are basically 'ok'!

    Only a relatively small number of any religious group wants to drag us back to the dark ages, and they will, of course, fail completely.

    But, still, we are incredibly tolerant of all these 'lie factories'. For that is what they are.
    philthespark likes this.
  8. Blimey, I'd never have guessed that. 2/3rds of all deaths by firearm are suicide?

    Mind you, that's also very tragic.
  9. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    And some of that figure must include fatal accidents, childern playing with weapons, peeps shooting thereselves while cleaning a weapon which they don't realise is still loaded.:rolleyes:

    Had a close shave many years ago with a musket a friend had, he played with the weapon as a kid, as did his kids.
    I was cleaning it one day, all I did was to blow some dust from the flash pan,pull back hammer to full cock,then pulled trigger,there was a almighty flash, bang, & a hole big enough to put your fist through in the hallway door.:eek:
    I don't know who was more surprised, me, my friend or the rotty I barely missed by a few inches.

    Kids has played with that musket probably 80 years or so, amazing no one had been killed.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  10. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    My take on this is that I think(and only guessing from what we know about it), the killer, having frequented the club many times was gay himself. Knowing his fathers views/religion on gays, he was guilt-ridden because of his own 'persuasion' and chose his actions to make a point to his father/family that in doing what he did would improve his father's admiration of him, whilst ridding himself of the guilt/humiliation that his family might bestow on him.

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
  11. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I agree with you on this one HA, what a sad state of affairs.
  12. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    Purely out of curiosity, I googled muslim homosexuality & Islam teaching about it,there are numerous muslim countries where there is still a death sentence for homosexuality, which is outlawed on earth, but allowed in paradise apparantly.
    Homosexuality has been around for hundreds of years, it something religion can't take away
    it's a sad thing, that all religions can't accept it & the people who are gay that have to hide it.

    I quote from the link below:

    Interestingly, the same rules don't seem to apply in paradise, where martyrs for the cause of Allah enjoy an orgy of virgins and "perpetual youth" Quran (56:17) (otherwise known as "boys" Quran (52:24)). Quran (76:19) bluntly states, "And immortal boys will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls." Technically, the mere presence of boys doesn't necessarily mean sex, however it is strongly implied from the particular emphasis on the effeminacy, handsomeness and "freshness" of the boys. The female virgins of paradise are also compared to pearls (56:23). [Editor's note: We are not implying a link between homosexuality and pedophilia here anymore than we are implying one between heterosexuality and pedophilia when recounting that Muhammad's preferred wife was a 9-year-old girl.]

    A very difficult religion to understand.:confused:

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
  13. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    Funny.....no ones mentioned a 'False Flag and crises actors'.
  14. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Most major religions have a big problem with gays, probably because they were invented by mysogonist bigots thousands of years ago and have no place in modern life and governance.
    KIAB likes this.
  15. philthespark

    philthespark Active Member

    That is what I find so hard to understand,when you consider that most religions preach about peace,love and tolerance,then as you say have a problem with gays,how does that work?
    I know one man who is a religious minister and when his son "came out" he threw him out of the family home and wouldn't speak to him,so much for tolerance.
  16. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    My dad hates gays and he ain't religious. When it came on the news he passed no comment. Like he wasn't that bothered.
  17. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    My brother has a strong dislike for them too. When they first introduced them on east enders he threw his television out for years as he didn't want his children watching that filth.
  18. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    One thing that infuriates me, is when LGBT or GLBT get custody of young children/babies.:mad:
    What the is the judge thinking of, awarding custody, it must affect the childern as they grow up in a gay house.:(
  19. One wee correction - homosexuality has been around for many millions of years.
  20. Wot - the kids are turned gay? :eek:

    I suspect it's more like they'll be brought up to be tolerant of all human beings. (With a terrific sense of style, and well good at dancing :rolleyes:).

    Unlike what they'd likely be in a strongly religious household.
    KIAB likes this.

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