Paint for a 100 year old staircase

Discussion in 'Painters' Talk' started by longrob, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. longrob

    longrob New Member

    Greetings all. I am in the process of preparing to paint a staircase in a hundred-year old house.

    I have stripped the old paint off completely and now have bare wood.

    The plan is to paint to treads black and the risers white.

    I have Zinsser BIN AQUA and Ronseal Knot Block Primer/undercoat available to hand. Which would you prefer ? Or would you suggest an alternative ?

    What would you recommend for the top coat ? Drying/Curing time is important because it's a staircase and we are a household of 3 active adults. 2 will be away for 2 days very soon so I am hoping to get it all done then. I previously painted these stairs using Blackfriar anti-slip floor paint, but I didn't read the specs carefully enough - it takes 5 days to fully dry and for 3-4 days it was very tacky. In the end it has all had to come off :(

    Thanks in advance.
  2. xednim

    xednim Screwfix Select

  3. longrob

    longrob New Member

    Thank you - this seems to be paint for cars. Are you saying that it's good for my application on stairs ?
  4. xednim

    xednim Screwfix Select

    carpenter installing parquet flooring used varnish 2k, you could walk on this floor in hours, and also v. resist, not sure if link (randomly chosen) was for the cars but you will find something similar for the woodwork
  5. Mark DM

    Mark DM Screwfix Select

    I use BIN for sealing knots. My preference for interior woodwork is leyland oil based primer over bare timber and filler, oil based dulux trade undercoat and dulux oil based satinwood . All applied using prodec synthetic brushes.
  6. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    A tough paint is International Japlac. Really don't know if it's still available but worth a look out for.

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