Plaster cornice

Discussion in 'Painters' Talk' started by Bradders84, May 19, 2016.


I've just hard plaster cornice put up, the plasterer sealed it with 5.1 water to pva. He has suggest

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  1. Bradders84

    Bradders84 New Member

    I've just hard plaster cornice put up, the plasterer sealed it with 5.1 water to pva. He has suggested another coat of the same on the joins and adhesive above and below the cornice where the walls and ceilings were out to stop the paint flaking. Is this necessary?

    Or can I just used a water down emoltion?
  2. If you have yet to apply the PVA, then don't do it.

    If he has already applied that first coat, then cross your fingers.

    What usually happens when you apply emulsion paint to dried PVA is that the PVA 'reactivates' with the water content and becomes sticky and tacky again. If you were to apply your paint with a roller, then expect the most alarming furry texture to appear as you roll out the coats.

    If you are applying the emulsion by brush - which you almost certainly will be - you might be ok. I'd suggest working steadily and not 'going over' the same part excessively - flatten it out and move on...

    Once that first coat is fully dry, you should be fine for subsequent coats.

    If this had been bare plaster/paper-covered coving, then a slightly watered down first coat might be recommended, but with the PVA coating (jeepers...) I'd suggest a neat coat (less 'wet') is probably best.

    See what others suggest on here first.

    If it starts going pear-shaped, it ain't the end of t'world as there are very good sealers available that'll seal off anything - including PVA :rolleyes:
    CGN likes this.
  3. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    What is it with PVA, it's used in everything nowadays, surprised it's not used in cooking yet,& priming plaster with it is a no no.

    No good using water based sealer, you need to use a oil based primer sealer, Albany Primer Sealer is what Astra recommends I think.
    Last edited: May 19, 2016
  4. Brian_L

    Brian_L Active Member

    Years ago I remember buying a pot of cove primer sealer and think it was Gyproc brand stuff too.
  5. Brads, is this coving paper-covered like plasterboard?

    I have never used anything other than emulsion paint straight on. If it's bare, then a slight dilution - 10-15% water for the first coat. That's it.
    Brian_L likes this.
  6. DIYDave.

    DIYDave. Screwfix Select

    With DA on this one :rolleyes:

    Have fitted paper faced cove to several rooms and always painted with the same emulsion as ceiling, thinning out the 1st coat - never had a problem

    Plasterers really love PVA and often seem to cause problems after they've left and ur starting on the decorating :eek:
  7. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    But, plastered used PVA 5:1 on coving to seal it, so won't emulsionactivate pva again, making it tacky?
  8. Brian_L

    Brian_L Active Member

    That is all I do now, not had a problem in the last decade plus of doing it like that.
  9. If it does, then Bradders should invite the plasterer back and stick his face to it.

    And then tell him to sort it.

    I'd hope, tho', that with a quickly-applied brushing of emulsion - avoiding 'going over' it wet too many times - it should be ok. And once that first emulsion coat is dry, then it should all be fine.

    (But I still remember the first time I rollered emulsion over a wall I'd PVA'd first thinking it was a 'good idea'. "Why is my paint turning into glue?!" :eek: :oops: )
    KIAB likes this.
  10. KBJ

    KBJ Active Member

    PVA makes a fine substitute for Mozzarella if you have run out. Better flavour too.

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