Raising £10k for a charity supporting injured tradesmen.

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by goldenboy, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    Hoping I will never have to use their fantastic support but have just spent the last three days raising £10000 for the Lighthouse Club by changing Stanley Tools old storeroom into a new showroom and workshop area. The Lighthouse Club will step in and help the families of injured or dead tradesmen at that difficult time when there is no money coming in. Great cause.

    Worth a quick look at the video.  www.youtube.com/watch?GARiD8AOPg4
  2. rugbycomic

    rugbycomic New Member

    Hello fella, I do a bit of stand up and I also run comedy nights. If you need or want a fund raising comedy night, then let me know and I can do one for you. Check us out on Facebook - fb/happyhookercomedy
  3. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

  4. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    Red hair and glasses John! Was a really really great experience doing it.
  5. Spooky, Golden.

    My bro asked me chust yesterday - "How many British soldiers were killed in Afghanistan - during the whole campaign?" Hmmm, around 300? I guessed.

    And how many tradespeeps were killed on building sites in the same time? Mmmmm, I reckon, oooh, ummm, around 20?

    I was wrong.

    Big time.
  6. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    Massively wrong. Its a fact that penny pinching customers ignore, that life changing injury or death is just a second away. Often not even your own error hurts you its someone elses.

    Thats what the Lighthouse Club is great at,keeping families in their homes when the breadwinner is incapacitated. Small grants making a huge difference.

    I know its abroad but they estimate 4,000 will die on Qatars world cup building projects.

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