Req deph for burried cable

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by electrical?, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. electrical?

    electrical? New Member

    after exhausting the bs7671 i can-not find any exact deph for the requirement for burying cables..522-06-03 is the only reference i have with most of this book ..very vague in its description. unless i have missed a paragraph.
  2. ChubbyPhaseWire

    ChubbyPhaseWire New Member

    Cables to be installed in ducts or pipes in the ground
    are not required by BS 7671 to have armouring and/or
    a metal sheath, if the duct or pipe is sufficiently
    strong to resist likely mechanical damage. In case of
    doubt, a cable fulfilling the requirements of
    Regulation 522-06-03 should be provided.
    Protective conductors which are buried directly in the
    ground must comply with the requirements of
    Regulation 542-03-01.
    All buried cables must be marked by cable covers or a
    suitable marker tape, and buried conduits or ducts
    must also be suitably identified. A warning tape
    above the duct or conduit run would be suitable.
    Cables, conduits and ducts must be buried deep
    enough to avoid being damaged by any disturbance
    of the ground reasonably likely to occur. This could
    include gardening/horticultural works, excavating for
    any local buried service pipes etc. Generally, it is better
    to locate cables etc. clear of such possible works.

    A depth of burial of less than 500 mm is usually
    inadvisable as shallow laid cables may be
    inadvertently damaged by general gardening etc.
    Cables that cannot be buried at a reasonable depth
    should be specifically protected, e.g. by ducts encased
    in concrete, or installed along an alternative route.
    Before any excavation is undertaken for cable or
    other works HSE guidance booklet HSG47 "Avoiding
    danger from underground services" should be
    studied, as it provides valuable advice on safety
    It is important to be able to identify exactly where
    hidden services are located and accurate records,
    including drawings, should be made before trenches
    are backfilled. Cable routes should be located on
    drawings by dimensions from some fixed object that is
    not expected to change for a considerable time, (e.g. a
    building). Road and pathway features may be relatively
    easily changed. Scale drawings are of little value unless
    very detailed. Concrete route markers may be installed
    at changes of direction of cable routes and at regular
    intervals along routes.
  3. limestone cowboy

    limestone cowboy New Member

  4. Electro-tech

    Electro-tech New Member

    How can you argue with 500mm quoted from the Regs ?
  5. limestone cowboy

    limestone cowboy New Member

  6. Electro-tech

    Electro-tech New Member

    The original question and your answer could be streets apart,as a Utilities in a footway was not mentioned.
  7. Stoday

    Stoday New Member

    Water Regulations Guide R4.15 says 450mm.

    Shows a nice diagram of all service depths and separation distances. Refers to NJUG6 which is, I think, obsolete. limestone cowboy refers to NJUG7 which is also obsolete, but his link does link to the current recommendations.
  8. sparky Si-Fi

    sparky Si-Fi Screwfix Select

    Page 213 table 4A1 BS 7671 (brown book )

    Installation methoud 17/18/19 would be relevent

    If you look there it gives minimum dimensions for cables in trenches...

  9. ban-all-sheds

    ban-all-sheds New Member

    Find a gravedigger - offer him cash-in-hand.

    6 feet should be deep enough.
  10. sparky Si-Fi

    sparky Si-Fi Screwfix Select

    Find a gravedigger - offer him cash-in-hand.

    6 feet should be deep enough.

    Cracking reply there BAS,I am still laughing now...........:)

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