Roofers and lead workers

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by Easyflash, Jan 24, 2015.


What is your feedback on the Easyflash & the lead workers roll up tool bag?

Poll closed Feb 24, 2015.
  1. I like them a lot.

    0 vote(s)
  2. I think they are rubbish.

    0 vote(s)
  3. They look good but would have to try them for myself.

  4. I have got one and it is amazing.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Easyflash

    Easyflash New Member

    I am a roofer of 25 years experience & been doing lead work also for the last 4 years and feel like I have learnt an awful lot.. I really like doing lead work I fell like I am always educating myself if anyone can pass on any tips or ask me for any tips that would be great.. O by the way I am the dude who brought the Easyflash lead work tool and the lead workers roll up tool bag to the market before anyone starts calling me sir spams lot.. They have been a huge success but I still like to get my hands dirty I love being on the roof that is me. Cheers.
  2. tom.plum

    tom.plum Screwfix Select

    Lead is the best material for weathering a roof, you can boss it to form any shape you're ever likely to meet, done properly it will last the lenght of the building and will enhance the appearance, flashband however is what "miccky mouse" builders use, its like using selotape to stop rain coming in and looks like a bodge,
  3. Aye flashband should only ever be used as an emergency repair till the job can be done properly

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