Sister a joist

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by upintheair, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. upintheair

    upintheair New Member

    Quick question

    Do you need to get building control involved to sister a joist?

    I mean to sister an existing one - no change of use/loading.

    ie: NOT to do with adding anything to the structure like a live-in walk-in loft or converting to office/commercial use where there would clearly be an increase in loading.
  2. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Probably not but why are you doing it?
  3. upintheair

    upintheair New Member

    Thank you for the reply chippie.

    To answer your question:

    It's not for a change as such to the building - ie no extension up, down or sideways, no new rooms, no change of use of any the spaces/rooms. No extra loading in terms of people, furniture etc etc. All domestic, no office or industrial use.

    Just for a repair.

    Look forward to your reply.

    all the best
  4. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    You're probably all right but what are you doing, as opposed to what are you not doing which is what you are telling us at the moment.
  5. vivaro man

    vivaro man Active Member

    Upintheair, from what you're saying you have a damaged joist. Is that correct? You want to know whether you can add another joist along its side? No reason for not doing it BUT ensure you use coach bolts to make the connection.

    Is the joist part of a truss? Those are the triangular things sat on your walls. If the joist is the bottom of the truss assembly and it's become damaged then have it inspected by a competent builder to assess whether the joist's strength and load bearing capability has been compromised. If it has then you might be better calling a carpenter in to put another cut truss in situ.

    Good luck.

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