The balls steps again don't have to question

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by samrgul bali, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. samrgul bali

    samrgul bali New Member

    The thanks for joining me hope you enjoyed Vitalie Skincare today's program a quitea bit that you get a lot I love it the focus of today's program is gonna be on two words and these aretwo words that I tell almost everyone on my patients onalmost every single visit that I have with them and nowthese are some profound words in I you don't have to save really muchmore than these two words to your patience and a if you're able to get a head nodfrom your patience after you repeat this mantra to them yaknow that you're doing the very best thing that you can for them and this applies to you as well aretoday's program is entitled exercise recommendations for chiropractors and their patients andso today's program is directed first of all doctors at you because I Nall are what your life is like and Iknow what it's like to be a chiropractor because I am a chiropractor not been achiropractor for 27 years and I know that being achiropractor is a is a physical job it's a it's a physically demanding it'sa heavy lifting job so we have those physical demands honestalso I as respected healthcare a authorities we also serve as rolemodels to our patients so it's important that we practice what wepreach in so I direct this program first and foremost to you doctor and then also to your ..

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