Certifying Wok

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by frogger, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. seneca

    seneca Screwfix Select

    If the circuit is not already rcd protected at the c/unit use an rcd fused spur Frogger as Spin said.
  2. frogger

    frogger Member

    The circuit is already RCD protected at the consumer unit. ;)
  3. seneca

    seneca Screwfix Select

    In that case there's no need for the fcu if you're only adding one single or one double socket outlet.
  4. frogger

    frogger Member

    I was going to install it via a switched FCU so I could isolate it from inside the house and have the fused protection because the outside socket has no RCD.
  5. Caddy

    Caddy Active Member

    Having the FCU in the house is fine if you want to be able to isolate the socket as you say.. However installing the socket via a FCU has nothing to do with RCD protection, if you already have an RCD in the fuse board protecting the circuit you are adding the socket onto then the new socket will be protected by the same RCD in the board.
  6. seneca

    seneca Screwfix Select

    But if the circuit is rcd protected at the c/unit there's no need for another one, I often put a double pole switch in the position you're talking about, useful for isolating the outside socket if any moisture gets in anywhere and starts tripping the rcd!
    FatHands likes this.
  7. frogger

    frogger Member

    I'm also interested in having a neon to catch my eye if it's on. Are there 20A D/P switches with neons? I've not seen any although they might exist.
  8. spinlondon

    spinlondon Screwfix Select

    Yes there are 20A DP switches with neons, mostly used for immersion heaters etc.
  9. frogger

    frogger Member

    Just looked on Screwfix after I made the last post and there's loads of 'em.:rolleyes:

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